[MPlayer-dev-eng] mpg123 / mp3lib 64bit SSE code

Michael Niedermayer michaelni at gmx.at
Wed Apr 8 21:29:36 CEST 2009

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 12:29:31AM +0200, Thomas Orgis wrote:
> But to come even more closer to relevance... I was thinking about specific usage
> of the specific decoder API, certain features that a generic API is not necessarily
> aware of. For example, the xmms2 plugin does not use the built-in equalizer in
> libmpg123 which comes at zero CPU cost. Or the built-in handling of normalization
> using parsed RVA values - again, directly in the decoder, not as postprocessing.
> Of course such ways could be considered "hacks" and such effects can be done
> externally, but sometimes you do not want to waste the CPU cycles to retransform the
> data to apply an equalizer, or add a multiplication step for volume change.

btw, equalizer support during decoding of MDCT codecs would be welcome in
libavcodec, its just a matter of a 
CODEC_CAP_EQUALIZER flag in each AVCodec supporting it and a table with the
values as well as a 2 line loop doing the multiplication

had ffmpeg that, it would mean an application like xmms could much easier
support fast equalizing for many formats like ac3, aac, mp3, ...
... a common API is clearly usefull here

and about the square hole API, did i miss any actual limitations being
mentined in this thread or was this just of the, 
... well in theory there could be something, someone might want to do
that would be impossible through the API and as well impossible through
a acceptable extension of the API

btw, i am not opposed to a libmpg123 wraper in libavcodec, if someone
maintains it. Currently most external lib wrapers in lavc are very poorly
maintained ..

Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

Observe your enemies, for they first find out your faults. -- Antisthenes
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