[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] Direct3D libvo driver

Georgi Petrov gogothebee at gmail.com
Mon Nov 17 14:36:41 CET 2008

> Well, then the question is why i386/fft_mmx.o is not built.  Try the
> following:
> make distclean

Run ./confgiure

> cd libavcodec
> make
> Post the error output.

This is important:

process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, f win32 -DPREFIX -I i386/ -o
i386/fft_mmx.o i386/fft_mmx.asm, ...) failed.
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
make: [i386/fft_mmx.o] Error 2 (ignored)

ar rc libavcodec.a allcodecs.o audioconvert.o bitstream.o
bitstream_filter.o dsputil.o eval.o faanidct.o imgconvert.o jrevdct.o
opt.o parser.o raw.o resample.o resample2.o simple_idct.o utils.o
i386/fdct_mmx.o i386/cpuid.o i386/dsputil_mmx.o i386/mpegvideo_mmx.o
i386/motion_est_mmx.o i386/simple_idct_mmx.o i386/idct_mmx_xvid.o
i386/idct_sse2_xvid.o faandct.o jfdctfst.o jfdctint.o fft.o golomb.o
mdct.o ac3enc.o ac3tab.o ac3.o alacenc.o lpc.o asv1.o mpeg12data.o
bmpenc.o dnxhdenc.o dnxhddata.o mpegvideo_enc.o motion_est.o
ratecontrol.o mpegvideo.o dvbsub.o dvdsubenc.o dv.o ffv1.o
rangecoder.o huffyuv.o flacenc.o h263.o error_resilience.o gif.o
h261enc.o h261.o jpeglsenc.o jpegls.o ljpegenc.o mjpegenc.o mjpeg.o
mpegaudioenc.o mpegaudio.o mpegaudiodata.o mpeg12enc.o mpeg12.o
msmpeg4.o msmpeg4data.o nellymoserenc.o nellymoser.o pnmenc.o pnm.o
qtrleenc.o rawenc.o roqvideoenc.o roqvideo.o elbg.o roqaudioenc.o
rv10.o sgienc.o rle.o snow.o sonic.o svq1enc.o svq1.o targaenc.o
tiffenc.o lzwenc.o vorbis_enc.o vorbis.o vorbis_data.o wmaenc.o wma.o
wmv2enc.o wmv2.o lclenc.o pcm.o adxenc.o g726.o adpcm.o xiph.o
mpeg4audio.o aac_parser.o aac_ac3_parser.o ac3_parser.o cavs_parser.o
dca_parser.o dirac_parser.o dnxhd_parser.o dvbsub_parser.o
dvdsub_parser.o h261_parser.o h263_parser.o h264_parser.o
mjpeg_parser.o mlp_parser.o mlp.o mpeg4video_parser.o
mpegaudio_parser.o mpegaudiodecheader.o mpegvideo_parser.o
pnm_parser.o vc1_parser.o vp3_parser.o dump_extradata_bsf.o
h264_mp4toannexb_bsf.o imx_dump_header_bsf.o mjpega_dump_header_bsf.o
movsub_bsf.o mp3_header_compress_bsf.o mp3_header_decompress_bsf.o
noise_bsf.o remove_extradata_bsf.o w32thread.o i386/fft_mmx.o
i386/fft_sse.o i386/fft_3dn.o i386/fft_3dn2.o i386/idct_mmx.o
i386/dsputilenc_mmx.o i386/flacdsp_mmx.o
ar: i386/fft_mmx.o: No such file or directory
make: *** [libavcodec.a] Error 1

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