[MPlayer-dev-eng] MPlayer 1.0rc2 and ALSA 1.0.9, very slow (-nosound help)

Jason Zhang (SRC) Jzhang at sunrisetelecom.com.cn
Fri May 30 09:23:49 CEST 2008

-----Original Message-----
>From: mplayer-dev-eng-bounces at mplayerhq.hu [mailto:mplayer-dev-eng->bounces at mplayerhq.hu] On Behalf Of Jason Zhang (SRC)
>Sent: 2008年5月30日 14:13
>To: mplayer-dev-eng at mplayerhq.hu
>Subject: Re: [MPlayer-dev-eng] MPlayer 1.0rc2 and ALSA 1.0.9, very slow (->nosound help)

benchmark result:

./mplayer -benchmark zals.mp3

BENCHMARKs: VC:   0.000s VO:   0.000s A: 911.788s Sys:   0.340s =  912.128s
BENCHMARK%: VC:  0.0000% VO:  0.0000% A: 99.9627% Sys:  0.0373% = 100.0000%

All the cpu time is eaten by Sys!

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