[MPlayer-dev-eng] RN5 authentication for rtsp

Paul myj at nyct.net
Wed Mar 26 04:58:53 CET 2008

I've written an RN5 authentication code for realplayer streams, which is 
used by Helix/Real servers.

Unfortunately, with the current structure of the code, it only works with 
the username/password supplied in the url, not on command line.

Hopefully, someone can clean it up/commit it to the CVS ?


Paul Sandys
network operations manager
-------------- next part --------------
--- MPlayer-1.0rc2/stream/realrtsp/real.c	2007-10-07 15:49:25.000000000 -0400
+++ MPlayer-1.0rc2.RN5/stream/realrtsp/real.c	2008-03-25 23:40:49.000000000 -0400
@@ -444,8 +444,9 @@
   int status;
   uint32_t maxbandwidth = bandwidth;
   char* authfield = NULL;
+  static const char hex[]="0123456789abcdef";
   int i;
   /* get challenge */
 #ifdef LOG
@@ -488,23 +489,74 @@
       mp_msg(MSGT_STREAM, MSGL_ERR, "realrtsp: auth required but no username supplied\n");
       goto autherr;
-    if (!strstr(authreq, "Basic")) {
-      mp_msg(MSGT_STREAM, MSGL_ERR, "realrtsp: authenticator not supported (%s)\n", authreq);
-      goto autherr;
-    }
-    authlen = strlen(username) + (password ? strlen(password) : 0) + 2;
-    authstr = malloc(authlen);
-    sprintf(authstr, "%s:%s", username, password ? password : "");
-    authfield = malloc(authlen*2+22);
-    strcpy(authfield, "Authorization: Basic ");
-    b64_authlen = base64_encode(authstr, authlen, authfield+21, authlen*2);
-    free(authstr);
-    if (b64_authlen < 0) {
-      mp_msg(MSGT_STREAM, MSGL_ERR, "realrtsp: base64 output overflow, this should never happen\n");
-      goto autherr;
+    if (strstr(authreq, "Basic")) {
+      authlen = strlen(username) + (password ? strlen(password) : 0) + 2;
+      authstr = malloc(authlen);
+      sprintf(authstr, "%s:%s", username, password ? password : "");
+      authfield = malloc(authlen*2+22);
+      strcpy(authfield, "Authorization: Basic ");
+      b64_authlen = base64_encode(authstr, authlen, authfield+21, authlen*2);
+      free(authstr);
+      if (b64_authlen < 0) {
+        mp_msg(MSGT_STREAM, MSGL_ERR, "realrtsp: base64 output overflow, this should never happen\n");
+        goto autherr;
+      }
+      authfield[b64_authlen+21] = 0;
+      goto rtsp_send_describe;
-    authfield[b64_authlen+21] = 0;
-    goto rtsp_send_describe;
+    if (strstr(authreq, "RN5")) {
+      unsigned char mungedh[33];
+      unsigned char nonce[512];
+      unsigned char realm[512];
+      unsigned char zres[16];
+      char *p,*q;
+      if ((p=strstr(authreq,"realm=\""))) {
+	p+=7;
+        q=realm;
+        while (*p && *p!='"') {
+          *q++=*p++;
+        }
+        *q='\0';
+      }
+      if ((p=strstr(authreq,"nonce=\""))) {
+        p+=+7;
+        q=nonce;
+        while (*p && *p!='"') {
+          *q++=*p++;
+        }
+        *q='\0';
+      }
+      p = malloc(1024);
+      sprintf(p,"%-.200s:%-.200s:%-.200s", username,realm,password);
+//      fprintf(stderr,"munging: %s\n",p);
+      av_md5_sum(zres, p, strlen(p));
+      for(i=0;i<16;i++) {
+        mungedh[i+i] = hex[zres[i] >> 4];
+        mungedh[i+i+1] = hex[zres[i] & 0x0f];
+      }
+      mungedh[i+i] = '\0';
+      sprintf(p,"%-.200s%-.200s%-.200sCopyright (C) 1995,1996,1997 RealNetworks, Inc.",
+        mungedh,nonce,"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000");
+      authfield = malloc(2048);
+      authstr = malloc(33);
+      *authstr=0;
+      av_md5_sum(zres, p, strlen(p));
+      for(i=0;i<16;i++) {
+        authstr[i+i] = hex[zres[i] >> 4];
+        authstr[i+i+1] = hex[zres[i] & 0x0f];
+      }
+      authstr[i+i] = '\0';
+      sprintf(authfield, "Authorization: RN5 username=\"%-.200s\", GUID=\"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\",realm=\"%-.200s\",nonce=\"%s\",response=\"%s\"",username,realm,nonce,authstr);
+      goto rtsp_send_describe;
+    } 
+    mp_msg(MSGT_STREAM, MSGL_ERR, "realrtsp: authenticator not supported (%s)\n", authreq);

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