[MPlayer-dev-eng] Patch for a pause property

Joshua Isom jrisom at gmail.com
Mon Jun 9 10:51:01 CEST 2008

I'm working on a stateless frontend for mplayer.  And to give a good 
feel for the app(a play/pause button that shows play or pause, not 
both, and not two buttons), I wanted to know if mplayer was paused or 
not since it could be controlled outside of my infrastructure.  Setting 
if it's paused or not doesn't work, it just pauses it.  It only patches 
command.c and not slave.txt.  I've never dealt with mplayer's internals 
so this was mainly just to get what I needed than anything else.  
Hopefully someone knows how to clean it up and get it working right.

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