[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] support to disable instruction sets when runtime cpu detection is used

Onur Küçük onur at delipenguen.net
Sat May 26 15:44:18 CEST 2007

> Usually the definition of "RUNTIME_CPUDETECT" will cause mplayer build
> all routines regardless of "HAVE_MMX", "HAVE_3DNOW", "HAVE_SSE2", etc.
> so your patch against configure simply doesn't disabled anything.
> Please refer to libvo/aclib.c and libvo/osd.c for example.

 Yeap, sometimes it falls back to C but sometimes multiple
inclusion with different #ifdef HAVE_ is done (like in
libavcodec/i386/mpegvideo_mmx.c and libavcodec/i386/dsputil_mmx.c).

 The idea was at first to be able to disable SSSE3. Binutils
2.10.1 is enough for other instruction sets but SSSE3 needs 2.16.92 and
runtime-cpudetection forces a binutils update.

 Disabling others seem pointless but it would be nice to be
able to disable SSSE3 so you don't need to update binutils. 2.10.1 to
2.16.92 is a big jump.

 How about the attached one, which only has "disable ssse3" support ?

 Onur Küçük                                      Knowledge speaks,   
 <onur.--.-.delipenguen.net>                     but wisdom listens  

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