[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] Rewrite synth_1to1_MMX, paving the way toward x86-64

Zuxy Meng zuxy.meng at gmail.com
Thu May 17 14:48:48 CEST 2007


The original version of synth_1to1_MMX hardcoded 32-bit pointers and
x86 ABI, making it difficult to port to x86-64. I rewrote the general
code in C and removed hardcoded 32-bit registers in the remaining MMX
code (therefore obsoleting my previous patch to align the stack
manually). The result is not only easier to port but also faster:

(Tested with rdtsc on a Dothan)
before: 1019 cycles
after: 976 cycles

Of course the decoded result is identical.
Beauty is truth,
While truth is beauty.
PGP KeyID: E8555ED6
-------------- next part --------------
Index: mp3lib/decode_MMX.c
--- mp3lib/decode_MMX.c	?????? 23328??
+++ mp3lib/decode_MMX.c	????????????
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
 #include "mangle.h"
 #define real float /* ugly - but only way */
+extern short mp3lib_decwins[1088];
+extern void (*dct64_MMX_func)(short*, short*, real*);
 static unsigned long long attribute_used __attribute__((aligned(8))) null_one = 0x0000ffff0000ffffULL;
 static unsigned long long attribute_used __attribute__((aligned(8))) one_null = 0xffff0000ffff0000ULL;
 unsigned long __attribute__((aligned(16))) costab_mmx[] =
@@ -48,67 +50,56 @@
-static int temp; // buggy gcc 3.x fails if this is moved into the function :(
-void synth_1to1_MMX_s(real *bandPtr, int channel, short *samples,
-                      short *buffs, int *bo)
+int synth_1to1_MMX(real *bandPtr, int channel, short *samples)
+    static short buffs[2][2][0x110] __attribute__((aligned(8)));
+    static int bo = 1;
+    short *b0, (*buf)[0x110], *a, *b;
+    short* window;
+    int bo1, i = 8;
+    if (channel == 0) {
+	bo = (bo - 1) & 0xf;
+	buf = buffs[1];
+    } else {
+	samples++;
+	buf = buffs[0];
+    }
+    if (bo & 1) {
+	b0 = buf[1];
+	bo1 = bo + 1;
+       	a = buf[0] + bo;
+	b = buf[1] + ((bo + 1) & 0xf);
+    } else {
+	b0 = buf[0];
+	bo1 = bo;
+	b = buf[0] + bo;
+       	a = buf[1] + ((bo + 1) & 0xf);
+    }
+    dct64_MMX_func(a, b, bandPtr);
+    window = mp3lib_decwins + 16 - bo1;
+    //printf("DEBUG: channel %d, bo %d, off %d\n", channel, bo, 16 - bo1);
 __asm __volatile(
-        "movl %1,%%ecx\n\t"
-        "movl %2,%%edi\n\t"
-        "movl $15,%%ebx\n\t"
-        "movl %4,%%edx\n\t"
-        "leal (%%edi,%%ecx,2),%%edi\n\t"
-	"decl %%ecx\n\t"
-        "movl %3,%%esi\n\t"
-        "movl (%%edx),%%eax\n\t"
-        "jecxz .L01\n\t"
-        "decl %%eax\n\t"
-        "andl %%ebx,%%eax\n\t"
-        "leal 1088(%%esi),%%esi\n\t"
-        "movl %%eax,(%%edx)\n\t"
-        "leal (%%esi,%%eax,2),%%edx\n\t"
-        "movl %%eax,%5\n\t"
-        "incl %%eax\n\t"
-        "andl %%ebx,%%eax\n\t"
-        "leal 544(%%esi,%%eax,2),%%ecx\n\t"
-	"incl %%ebx\n\t"
-	"testl $1, %%eax\n\t"
-	"jnz .L02\n\t"
-        "xchgl %%edx,%%ecx\n\t"
-	"incl %5\n\t"
-        "leal 544(%%esi),%%esi\n\t"
-	"emms\n\t"
-        "pushl %0\n\t"
-        "pushl %%edx\n\t"
-        "pushl %%ecx\n\t"
-        "call *"MANGLE(dct64_MMX_func)"\n\t"
-	"addl $12, %%esp\n\t"
-	"leal 1(%%ebx), %%ecx\n\t"
-        "subl %5,%%ebx\n\t"
-	"pushl %%ecx\n\t"
-	"leal "MANGLE(mp3lib_decwins)"(%%ebx,%%ebx,1), %%edx\n\t"
-	"shrl $1, %%ecx\n\t"
-        "movq  (%%edx),%%mm0\n\t"
-        "movq  64(%%edx),%%mm4\n\t"
-        "pmaddwd (%%esi),%%mm0\n\t"
-        "pmaddwd 32(%%esi),%%mm4\n\t"
-        "movq  8(%%edx),%%mm1\n\t"
-        "movq  72(%%edx),%%mm5\n\t"
-        "pmaddwd 8(%%esi),%%mm1\n\t"
-        "pmaddwd 40(%%esi),%%mm5\n\t"
-        "movq  16(%%edx),%%mm2\n\t"
-        "movq  80(%%edx),%%mm6\n\t"
-        "pmaddwd 16(%%esi),%%mm2\n\t"
-        "pmaddwd 48(%%esi),%%mm6\n\t"
-        "movq  24(%%edx),%%mm3\n\t"
-        "movq  88(%%edx),%%mm7\n\t"
-        "pmaddwd 24(%%esi),%%mm3\n\t"
-        "pmaddwd 56(%%esi),%%mm7\n\t"
+        "movq  (%1),%%mm0\n\t"
+        "movq  64(%1),%%mm4\n\t"
+        "pmaddwd (%2),%%mm0\n\t"
+        "pmaddwd 32(%2),%%mm4\n\t"
+        "movq  8(%1),%%mm1\n\t"
+        "movq  72(%1),%%mm5\n\t"
+        "pmaddwd 8(%2),%%mm1\n\t"
+        "pmaddwd 40(%2),%%mm5\n\t"
+        "movq  16(%1),%%mm2\n\t"
+        "movq  80(%1),%%mm6\n\t"
+        "pmaddwd 16(%2),%%mm2\n\t"
+        "pmaddwd 48(%2),%%mm6\n\t"
+        "movq  24(%1),%%mm3\n\t"
+        "movq  88(%1),%%mm7\n\t"
+        "pmaddwd 24(%2),%%mm3\n\t"
+        "pmaddwd 56(%2),%%mm7\n\t"
         "paddd %%mm1,%%mm0\n\t"
         "paddd %%mm5,%%mm4\n\t"
         "paddd %%mm2,%%mm0\n\t"
@@ -126,32 +117,28 @@
         "packssdw %%mm0,%%mm0\n\t"
         "packssdw %%mm4,%%mm4\n\t"
-	"movq	(%%edi), %%mm1\n\t"
+	"movq	(%3), %%mm1\n\t"
 	"punpckldq %%mm4, %%mm0\n\t"
 	"pand   "MANGLE(one_null)", %%mm1\n\t"
 	"pand   "MANGLE(null_one)", %%mm0\n\t"
 	"por    %%mm0, %%mm1\n\t"
-	"movq   %%mm1,(%%edi)\n\t"
+	"movq   %%mm1,(%3)\n\t"
-        "leal 64(%%esi),%%esi\n\t"
-        "leal 128(%%edx),%%edx\n\t"
-        "leal 8(%%edi),%%edi\n\t"
+        "add $64,%2\n\t"
+        "add $128,%1\n\t"
+        "add $8,%3\n\t"
-	"decl %%ecx\n\t"
+	"decl %0\n\t"
         "jnz  .L03\n\t"
-	"popl %%ecx\n\t"
-	"andl $1, %%ecx\n\t"
-	"jecxz .next_loop\n\t"
-        "movq  (%%edx),%%mm0\n\t"
-        "pmaddwd (%%esi),%%mm0\n\t"
-        "movq  8(%%edx),%%mm1\n\t"
-        "pmaddwd 8(%%esi),%%mm1\n\t"
-        "movq  16(%%edx),%%mm2\n\t"
-        "pmaddwd 16(%%esi),%%mm2\n\t"
-        "movq  24(%%edx),%%mm3\n\t"
-        "pmaddwd 24(%%esi),%%mm3\n\t"
+        "movq  (%1),%%mm0\n\t"
+        "pmaddwd (%2),%%mm0\n\t"
+        "movq  8(%1),%%mm1\n\t"
+        "pmaddwd 8(%2),%%mm1\n\t"
+        "movq  16(%1),%%mm2\n\t"
+        "pmaddwd 16(%2),%%mm2\n\t"
+        "movq  24(%1),%%mm3\n\t"
+        "pmaddwd 24(%2),%%mm3\n\t"
         "paddd %%mm1,%%mm0\n\t"
         "paddd %%mm2,%%mm0\n\t"
         "paddd %%mm3,%%mm0\n\t"
@@ -161,32 +148,30 @@
         "psrad $13,%%mm0\n\t"
         "packssdw %%mm0,%%mm0\n\t"
         "movd %%mm0,%%eax\n\t"
-	"movw %%ax, (%%edi)\n\t"
-        "leal 32(%%esi),%%esi\n\t"
-        "leal 64(%%edx),%%edx\n\t"
-        "leal 4(%%edi),%%edi\n\t"               
+	"movw %%ax, (%3)\n\t"
+        "sub $32,%2\n\t"
+        "add $64,%1\n\t"
+        "add $4,%3\n\t"               
-        "subl $64,%%esi\n\t"
-        "movl $7,%%ecx\n\t"
+        "movl $7,%0\n\t"
-        "movq  (%%edx),%%mm0\n\t"
-        "movq  64(%%edx),%%mm4\n\t"
-        "pmaddwd (%%esi),%%mm0\n\t"
-        "pmaddwd -32(%%esi),%%mm4\n\t"
-        "movq  8(%%edx),%%mm1\n\t"
-        "movq  72(%%edx),%%mm5\n\t"
-        "pmaddwd 8(%%esi),%%mm1\n\t"
-        "pmaddwd -24(%%esi),%%mm5\n\t"
-        "movq  16(%%edx),%%mm2\n\t"
-        "movq  80(%%edx),%%mm6\n\t"
-        "pmaddwd 16(%%esi),%%mm2\n\t"
-        "pmaddwd -16(%%esi),%%mm6\n\t"
-        "movq  24(%%edx),%%mm3\n\t"
-        "movq  88(%%edx),%%mm7\n\t"
-        "pmaddwd 24(%%esi),%%mm3\n\t"
-        "pmaddwd -8(%%esi),%%mm7\n\t"
+        "movq  (%1),%%mm0\n\t"
+        "movq  64(%1),%%mm4\n\t"
+        "pmaddwd (%2),%%mm0\n\t"
+        "pmaddwd -32(%2),%%mm4\n\t"
+        "movq  8(%1),%%mm1\n\t"
+        "movq  72(%1),%%mm5\n\t"
+        "pmaddwd 8(%2),%%mm1\n\t"
+        "pmaddwd -24(%2),%%mm5\n\t"
+        "movq  16(%1),%%mm2\n\t"
+        "movq  80(%1),%%mm6\n\t"
+        "pmaddwd 16(%2),%%mm2\n\t"
+        "pmaddwd -16(%2),%%mm6\n\t"
+        "movq  24(%1),%%mm3\n\t"
+        "movq  88(%1),%%mm7\n\t"
+        "pmaddwd 24(%2),%%mm3\n\t"
+        "pmaddwd -8(%2),%%mm7\n\t"
         "paddd %%mm1,%%mm0\n\t"
         "paddd %%mm5,%%mm4\n\t"
         "paddd %%mm2,%%mm0\n\t"
@@ -208,27 +193,27 @@
         "psubsw %%mm1,%%mm0\n\t"
         "psubsw %%mm5,%%mm4\n\t"
-	"movq	(%%edi), %%mm1\n\t"
+	"movq	(%3), %%mm1\n\t"
 	"punpckldq %%mm4, %%mm0\n\t"
 	"pand   "MANGLE(one_null)", %%mm1\n\t"
 	"pand   "MANGLE(null_one)", %%mm0\n\t"
 	"por    %%mm0, %%mm1\n\t"
-	"movq   %%mm1,(%%edi)\n\t"
+	"movq   %%mm1,(%3)\n\t"
-        "subl $64,%%esi\n\t"
-        "addl $128,%%edx\n\t"
-        "leal 8(%%edi),%%edi\n\t"
-        "decl %%ecx\n\t"
+        "sub $64,%2\n\t"
+        "add $128,%1\n\t"
+        "add $8,%3\n\t"
+        "decl %0\n\t"
 	"jnz  .L04\n\t"
-        "movq  (%%edx),%%mm0\n\t"
-        "pmaddwd (%%esi),%%mm0\n\t"
-        "movq  8(%%edx),%%mm1\n\t"
-        "pmaddwd 8(%%esi),%%mm1\n\t"
-        "movq  16(%%edx),%%mm2\n\t"
-        "pmaddwd 16(%%esi),%%mm2\n\t"
-        "movq  24(%%edx),%%mm3\n\t"
-        "pmaddwd 24(%%esi),%%mm3\n\t"
+        "movq  (%1),%%mm0\n\t"
+        "pmaddwd (%2),%%mm0\n\t"
+        "movq  8(%1),%%mm1\n\t"
+        "pmaddwd 8(%2),%%mm1\n\t"
+        "movq  16(%1),%%mm2\n\t"
+        "pmaddwd 16(%2),%%mm2\n\t"
+        "movq  24(%1),%%mm3\n\t"
+        "pmaddwd 24(%2),%%mm3\n\t"
         "paddd %%mm1,%%mm0\n\t"
         "paddd %%mm2,%%mm0\n\t"
         "paddd %%mm3,%%mm0\n\t"
@@ -240,9 +225,11 @@
         "psubd %%mm0,%%mm0\n\t"
         "psubsw %%mm1,%%mm0\n\t"
         "movd %%mm0,%%eax\n\t"
-	"movw %%ax,(%%edi)\n\t"
+	"movw %%ax,(%3)\n\t"
-        :
-	:"m"(bandPtr),"m"(channel),"m"(samples),"m"(buffs),"m"(bo), "m"(temp)
-	:"memory","%edi","%esi","%eax","%ebx","%ecx","%edx","%esp");
+	:"+r"(i), "+r"(window), "+r"(b0), "+r"(samples)
+	:
+	:"memory", "%eax");
+    return 0;
Index: mp3lib/decod386.c
--- mp3lib/decod386.c	?????? 23328??
+++ mp3lib/decod386.c	????????????
@@ -124,13 +124,7 @@
 static synth_func_t synth_func;
 #if defined(CAN_COMPILE_X86_ASM) && defined(HAVE_MMX)
-int synth_1to1_MMX( real *bandPtr,int channel,short * samples)
-    static short buffs[2][2][0x110];
-    static int bo = 1;
-    synth_1to1_MMX_s(bandPtr, channel, samples, (short *) buffs, &bo); 
-    return 0;
+extern int synth_1to1_MMX( real *bandPtr,int channel,short * samples);

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