[MPlayer-dev-eng] icc benchmark

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Mon Jun 11 00:15:05 CEST 2007


Using Michaels suggestion -
- I managed to compile an optimized mplayer with icc. I immediately ran
a benchmark on my old h264 sample (fanta4 trailer). Both executables
where compiled with -fno-inline-functions for dsputil_mmx.o. (That saves
~2 secs.)

mplayer fanta4_720p.mov -nosound -benchmark

MPlayer dev-SVN-r23542-10.0 (C) 2000-2007 MPlayer Team
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2600+ (Family: 6, Model: 8, Stepping: 1)
CPUflags:  MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 1 3DNow2: 1 SSE: 1 SSE2: 0
Compiled for x86 CPU with extensions: MMX MMX2 3DNow 3DNowEx SSE

BENCHMARKs: VC:  55.491s VO:  18.140s A:   0.000s Sys:   2.112s =   75.744s
BENCHMARKs: VC:  54.908s VO:  17.896s A:   0.000s Sys:   1.689s =   74.492s

MPlayer dev-SVN-r23456-4.0.2 (C) 2000-2007 MPlayer Team
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2600+ (Family: 6, Model: 8, Stepping: 1)
CPUflags:  MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 1 3DNow2: 1 SSE: 1 SSE2: 0
Compiled for x86 CPU with extensions: MMX MMX2 3DNow 3DNowEx SSE

BENCHMARKs: VC:  57.370s VO:  17.841s A:   0.000s Sys:   2.211s =   77.422s
BENCHMARKs: VC:  56.879s VO:  17.730s A:   0.000s Sys:   1.629s =   76.238s

I will try to produce a patch, it would include something like the
following, would that be acceptable?
Index: configure
--- configure   (Revision 23542)
+++ configure   (Arbeitskopie)
@@ -7746,7 +7746,7 @@

 /* attribute(used) as needed by some compilers */
 #if (__GNUC__ * 100 + __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 300)
-# define attribute_used __attribute__((used))
+# define attribute_used __attribute__((used)) static
 # define attribute_used

Carl Eugen

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