[MPlayer-dev-eng] Re: Compile options

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Sat Sep 16 23:49:45 CEST 2006

Michael Niedermayer <michaelni <at> gmx.at> writes:

> without -benchmark -nosound the time decoding a file obviously will be >= the
> length of the file timewise which makes the results pretty meaningless

I repeated the test with -benchmark -nosound.
Result: -O2 is faster as expected after the first test.
Could anybody confirm this?

Again multiple tries, again -O4 was never faster than any -O2 try.

BENCHMARKs: VC:  58.629s VO:  18.218s A:   0.000s Sys:   2.617s =   79.464s
BENCHMARK%: VC: 73.7808% VO: 22.9261% A:  0.0000% Sys:  3.2931% = 100.0000%

BENCHMARKs: VC:  57.930s VO:  18.243s A:   0.000s Sys:   2.120s =   78.293s
BENCHMARK%: VC: 73.9912% VO: 23.3014% A:  0.0000% Sys:  2.7074% = 100.0000%

BENCHMARKs: VC:  58.757s VO:  18.281s A:   0.000s Sys:   2.003s =   79.041s
BENCHMARK%: VC: 74.3374% VO: 23.1289% A:  0.0000% Sys:  2.5337% = 100.0000%

BENCHMARKs: VC:  56.918s VO:  18.192s A:   0.000s Sys:   2.549s =   77.659s
BENCHMARK%: VC: 73.2924% VO: 23.4256% A:  0.0000% Sys:  3.2820% = 100.0000%

BENCHMARKs: VC:  56.920s VO:  18.465s A:   0.000s Sys:   2.565s =   77.950s
BENCHMARK%: VC: 73.0208% VO: 23.6888% A:  0.0000% Sys:  3.2904% = 100.0000%

BENCHMARKs: VC:  55.889s VO:  18.347s A:   0.000s Sys:   2.016s =   76.252s
BENCHMARK%: VC: 73.2949% VO: 24.0614% A:  0.0000% Sys:  2.6437% = 100.0000%

Carl Eugen


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