[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] support vrc_strategy=1

Corey Hickey bugfood-ml at fatooh.org
Fri Mar 17 05:07:29 CET 2006

This might or might not have worked before the big ffmpeg Makefile
reorganization, but it doesn't work now without defining CONFIG_XVID for
lavc. The attached patch:

* Makes configure define CONFIG_XVID. I took a guess and only made it
work with xvid4 (version 1.x). If older versions will work too, then
somebody tell me and I'll change the patch. I can't even get ancient
xvid versions to compile....

* Changes the default value for vrc_strategy to 0 instead of 2. The
actual behavior within lavc is 1=xvid, anything_else=internal, but the
default in libavcodec/utils.c is 0.

* Documents it.

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