[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] Change the mplayer window title

Guillaume POIRIER poirierg at gmail.com
Sat Jan 28 20:29:08 CET 2006


On 1/28/06, Tim Wojtulewicz <timwoj at ieee.org> wrote:
> I had to write this for work so I figured I'd submit it.  It's a
> simple patch to change the title of the mplayer window.  I could only
> test it against quartz and x11, so there might be other platforms
> that need changes to support it.  I made note of that in the man page
> change.

The patch seems to me trivial enough to be quite sure that it won't
break anything... However, I must say I don't find it all that useful,
except if it was somewhat possible to make append the filename of
title name of the file.

Maybe your could add some sub options ?

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    Bill Cosby

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