[MPlayer-dev-eng] Re: [PATCH] add more comments to input.conf

Guillaume POIRIER poirierg at gmail.com
Fri Dec 1 09:57:43 CET 2006


On 12/1/06, Compn <tempn at twmi.rr.com> wrote:
> should input.conf include everything from slave.txt?
> only whats important? what is important? should it list all of the default keys?
> like m mute (not currently listed). should input.conf or slave.txt have an
> examples section?
> should input.conf be alphabetized like slave.txt? organized by module? aka sound
> options together, sub options together. am i making things too complicated?

Well, I don't have any opinion on much of what you propose, just that
when things are organized by module, it's easier to make some sense of
of them.

I tend to keep alpha order just in the cases when I want so sort a
bunch of "identical" items in a non-discriminative way (for example,
sorting ppl's names)


just my 2c

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