[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] Convert UCS-2LE encoded asf tag

Rich Felker dalias at aerifal.cx
Fri Aug 25 16:21:11 CEST 2006

On Fri, Aug 25, 2006 at 10:40:41AM +0400, Vladimir Mosgalin wrote:
> Hi Rich Felker!
>  On 2006.08.25 at 00:51:12 -0400, Rich Felker wrote next:
> > > update to v2 id3tags that must use UTF-8?
> > 
> > id3v2 is an abomination that's intentionally ignored by MPlayer's
> > demuxer. Using UTF-8 with id3v1 is a much better idea..
> You can't. id3v1 is strict iso8859-1. And voilation of that has already
> given peope so much problems. No other audio player or tagger program
> will support that anyway ;)

Everyone ignores that anyway, especially japanese users, so I see no
reason to follow it. UTF-8 is easy to detect so modern programs can
easily tell that the tag is UTF-8.

> However, it's possible to forget about id3v2 2.3 with
> 8859-1/UCS2LE/UCS2BE

Uhg, even more idiotic than I knew about...

> and assume only id3v2 2.4 with UTF-8. Major audio
> players support that or headed in that direction and it's pretty nice
> solution.

The problem is that id3v2 is a huge pain to parse correctly and many
parsers even introduce vulns! The fact that old versions allowed (but
did not require) escaping to avoid mpeg startcode emulation, and that
new versions forbid this escaping (which is utter nonsense; it's
absolutely necessary!!) makes it even worse.


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