[MPlayer-dev-eng] MPlayer GUI

Ivo ivop at euronet.nl
Wed Apr 26 18:17:52 CEST 2006

On Wednesday 26 April 2006 17:37, Benjamin Zores wrote:
> The current GUI is useless except being bloat in MPlayer sources :-)
> The best thing to do would be to completely erradicate it imho :p

I agree. It would be best if every trace of GUI code was removed from the 
sourcetree and a new "official" GUI was written from scratch that uses 
slave-mode, which has to be extended if new functionality is needed for the 

As for the language, even if it is a completely separate GUI, C++ is not 
acceptable. If the original author decides not to maintain it any longer, 
the rest of the developpers are stuck with an unmaintainable piece of c++ 
code. The graphical toolkit can be a C++ library, as long as there are 
clean C bindings IMHO, but maybe it's better to stick to a C graphical 
toolkit too. I'd prefer GTK 1.2 as that can be used on low-end 
machines/embedded systems too (videophones). GTK+2.0 is too much bloat 

There has also been a previous discussion about using the selected vo and a 
hand-taylored widget set IIRC. I still like that idea too, but I remember a 
few problems turned up. For example when the vo is initted at 320x200, but 
maybe there's a solution for that.


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