[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] clean up some muxer messages

Corey Hickey bugfood-ml at fatooh.org
Tue Nov 22 01:38:01 CET 2005

As promised, here is a patch that converts the hardcoded strings I added
to the muxer frame buffer into MSGTR_ messages. I also converted the AVI
header-writing and index-writing messages into more accurate
muxer-specific versions. In detail:

* Converted new strings in muxer_write_chunk to MSGTR_*
* Moved MSGTR_WritingAVIHeader from mencoder.c section to muxer section
* Added MSGTR_WritingMPEGHeader and MSGTR_WritingLAVFHeader
* Put muxer-specific header-writing messages in individual muxers
* Changed MSGTR_WritingAVIIndex to MSGTR_WritingAVITrailer
* Added MSGTR_WritingMPEGTrailer and MSGTR_WritingLAVFTrailer
* Put muxer-specific trailer-writing messages in individual muxers
* Removed MSGTR_FixupAVIHeader (the mp_msg() in each muxer will suffice)
* #include "help_mp.h" where necessary

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