[MPlayer-dev-eng] workaround for SEGFAULTs during rtsp download

Willem de Bruijn wdb at few.vu.nl
Sat Mar 12 09:38:28 CET 2005

> It could be 64bit-related, if you're running 64bit system, which you didn't
> mention. See if there are pointers at work there.

I did mention that I was running an AMD64, i.e. a 64 bit system. According to 
gdb the crash occurred in a malloc (to be precise in malloc_set_state). The  
information passed to malloc is valid as I can read it out prior to the call 
with no problems.

Therefore the problem is either in malloc(), and thus outside of mplayer's 
scope. But a libc bug in malloc would be unexpected. Or it must be in 
Mplayer,but then probably related to a concurrency issue, as the followed 
thread does not show any real errors.

I'd let loose valgrind if I could, but that's not available for 64bit AFAIK. 
For now I would leave it as it is. My own mplayer is hacked so that it works 
for me and as long as no related bugreports come in you can expect it to be 
something outside of Mplayer, I guess. If others do experience the same 
issue, let me know, I'll do some more testing then.

still.... weird bug.



Willem de Bruijn

PhD student at the Computer Systems group, 
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

office +31 20 598 7790   |  VU-FEW Room R5.23
mobile +31 6 2695 2446   |  De Boelelaan 1081
www.wdebruij.dds.nl   |  1081 HV Amsterdam, NL

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