[MPlayer-dev-eng] PATCH: Certain Real files plays improperly.

Joakim Plate joakim.plate at ecce.se
Sun Feb 27 13:43:56 CET 2005


This patch fixes a potential data corruption in the index table of real

demux_real.c:add_index_item() tries to grow the index table on demand if it
exceeds current dimension. It grows it by halv the current size. However on
first call to add_index_item, index_malloc_size is 0 even thou the
index_table_size can be larger since it has been allocated at another point
where index_malloc_size hasn't been set. This leads to setting
index_malloc_size to 2048. If now index_table_size is larger 2048 already,
realloc is called with a size which is smalled than current, and last part
of that index table is lost.

-------------- next part --------------
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