[MPlayer-dev-eng] re: Pegasus Drivers Working

compn tempn at twmi.rr.com
Fri Nov 19 16:56:03 CET 2004

;Upload @ ftp://ftp.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/incoming/pegasus/
;   - pegasus.zip    - codec
;   - For samples use:

-vc pegasusm shows a url watermark when decoding on win32

Forced video codec: pegasusl
Opening video decoder: [vfw] Win32/VfW video codecs
Loading codec DLL: 'PVLJPG20.DLL'
Loaded DLL driver PVLJPG20.DLL at 10000000
MPlayer interrupted by signal 11 in module: init_video_codec

a8094037c43b16843734a82c7a936b61 *c:\\programs\\mplayer\\PVLJPG20.DLL
md5sum of crashing codec.. (on win32 of course)

pegasusmwv looks like it has a watermark too (right over
the encoding watermark)

can you upload a sample for the morgan codec m3lsi?

dont worry about the win32 mplayer port problems... just
a heads up for anyone..

re: patching codecs for trial vers, was the final decision to patch the
codec? or patch the codec while loading? or to just ignore the 
win32 port?


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