[MPlayer-dev-eng] article in german "Linux User" magazine

Attila Kinali attila at kinali.ch
Mon Mar 29 04:40:53 CEST 2004


Some of you might remember that Carsten Schnober asked
about usefull commandline options of MPlayer.
He compiled Diegos and my mails to a short paragraph in the current
issue of the german linux users magazine.
To summerize it, he explains the -idx, -forceidx, -sid and -aid options.

IMHO this charactarizes MPlayer quite well, most of the options
are so advanced that you need more than a small paragraph to
explain them. Well, we never wanted MPlayer to be a program for
Windaus, but i'd never thought that it's that bad ^^'

Well.. it could be worse w/o our docu team :)
Thanks boys! 

Greetings from far east

		Attila Kinali

PS: Don't expect me to read the MLs overhere, i have hardly
enough time to read my personal mails, so if you want anything
from me, yo'll have to CC me.

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