[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] ve_xvid4.c catching up with xvid 1.0.0 beta3

Ivan Kalvachev ivan at cacad.com
Thu Jan 22 00:48:14 CET 2004

Sorry, but the patch have been rejected!
these variables are flags, and mencoder configure system only can set them.
Setting them by default will make it impossible to turn them off!

I can accept these if they are properly documented!
    xvidenc_max_bframes - I think that this enables B frames by default
    xvidenc_vbr_max_overflow_degradetion -hmm
    xvidenc_vbr_container_frame_overhead - mencoder does it's own bitrate
       calculations, pleace make sure you won't fool them.

New options (for -doc):

chroma_opt - enable chroma optimization pre-filter.
  Do you think that name chroma_filter, give better impression of the
  function usage?

turbo - use faster (and less accurate) ME functions
dar_aspect - I don't like the implementation.
  There are 2 parameters 'par' and 'aspect' that do one and same thing!
  merge them. Use ve_ffmpeg.c as example how to handle aspect
  caclulaction! I would like autoaspect function :)
  Don't forget that the other aspect's can take not only float,
  but also "16:9" "21:17" "2.21:1". Happy hacking.

  I definitly don't like mixing float and integer calculation.
  dar_x,dar_y are completly useless! and decrease accuraty, and I think that
  the implementation is wrong! I just look at these lines:
		dar_x = (int)(xvidenc_dar_aspect * 100.0f);
-->		dar_y = 100;

		frame->par = XVID_PAR_EXT;
-->		frame->par_width = (100 * mod->mux->bih->biHeight) / dar_y;
  yep, width=height!, and height changed to keep the aspect.
  It may not be bug, but it is ugly!

Best Regards
  Ivan Kalvachev

I may strip the patch and make "par" accept float values.
But not anytime soon. Sorry

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