[MPlayer-dev-eng] Re: help on libmpdemux usage

Romain Dolbeau dolbeau at irisa.fr
Mon Jan 19 10:25:21 CET 2004

Shan wrote:

> It doesn't.  mplayer calls functions in LibSDL which calls functions 
> used in the proprietary CoreGraphics WindowServer (aka Quartz)
> Additionally mplayer can use either LibSDL or CoreAudio (aka 
> NextStepSound) for sound output.
> QuickTime is only used to decode proprietary audio and video in the same 
> way the WINE DLL loader does under x86 UNIX builds.

Wrong. QuickTime is also required to display YUV image
in an overlay, and that's exactly what every media
player on macosx does, including mapleyr and vlc.


QuickTime does a lot more than non-mac developer
seems to give it credits for. Not a big surprise,
I've heard the same misconceptions (sp ?) for years.
You're not the first, you won't be the last :-)

Romain Dolbeau

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