[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] MacOS X Application Bundle Support

Chris Roccati roccati at pobox.com
Mon Dec 27 11:34:10 CET 2004

On 22 Dec 2004, at 23:26, Nicolas Plourde wrote:

>> The next step is to convert the current gui (that is, produce a new 
>> but functionally equivalent version) using Carbon... I will start 
>> looking into that as soon as phase 1 is complete.
> look like this is not an option rignt now.

Well, turning the MPlayer executable into a more or less well-behaved 
MacOS X application has a meaning only if the gui is going to be 
ported... The last patch (the one mentioned in this thread) will allow 
to build a MPlayer.app that actually tries to behave like a "real" 
finder application, yet still it has a number of shortcomings:

* options can only be passed to the program via ~/.mplayer/config
* there's no way to stop playing an audio file (there's no gui and the 
application menu is not working)
* while mplayer is already playing something, trying to play another 
file has no effect at all.

These behaviors can only be fixed porting the gui (or creating a carbon 
based gui from scratch, whatever is easier)

If the core developer's plan is to totally remove the gui and leave 
MPlayer as a command line only "playing engine" which is going to be 
used by wrappers via its remote mode, all the changes toward a 
standalone MacOS X applications should be undone as soon as possible, 
for it will only lead to confusion...

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