[MPlayer-dev-eng] Re: [PATCH] 302 redirected playlist

adland adland123 at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 24 04:59:16 CEST 2004

> Please confirm the role of various changes:
> - parser-mpcmd.c patch is to avoid mplayer print help text with empty/ 
> bad playlists

yes this was intended.

> - network.c is the real fix for the problem (and it also handles others  
> error codes from the server)

yes this was intended.

> - open.c is to stop mplayer from continuing to parse the url after a  
> connection failure 

yes this was intended

>(why was it commented out? can you guess a reason  
> for it?)

I could not think of a reason for this when looking at the code during tests
so I updated it and ran the tests.

did some research into CVS changes for this file

code lines were commented as a part of patch
1.75 Wed Apr 2 16:26:58 2003 UTC (12 months, 3 weeks ago) by albeu
Remove -sdp
Now fallback on the new stream api.

this change was updated with a patch
1.77 Tue Apr 8 05:14:43 2003 UTC (12 months, 2 weeks ago) by rsf
Moved the "sdp://" test above the URL streaming test, so that SDP files can
be read without streaming error messages being printed first.

reasons for update:

 sdp:// input was being created as a url
because it was not specifically listed in the set
of protocols to skip)

then since url was non null
streaming_start( stream, file_format, url) executed
which failed printing the errors mentioned in 1.77 patch

we could not at this point return NULL because there was special sdp:// code
below which we had to execute (reason for comments added in 1.75 patch)

now the sdp code is attempted first as it was moved in patch 1.77.
could now return a NULL if error occurs in URL streaming_start
because we dont need to open another type of URL below

/============ Open STDIN or plain FILE ============
return open_stream_full(filename,STREAM_READ,options,file_format);

is all the code left in this function

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