[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] New audio filter: export

Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri gsbarbieri at yahoo.com.br
Sat Sep 13 02:45:03 CEST 2003


It has some spell errors ( memeory ) and doesn't compile (s->nch,
should use nch or c->nch).

also, it sefgaults strangely... I'm trying to debug, but no clue:

[libaf] Adding filter export
get_path('mplayer-af_export') ->
[export] command line argument "/tmp/mplayer-af_export" successfully
[export] Buffer size must be between 1 and 2048
[export] Exporting to file: /tmp/mplayer-af_export
[export] Memory mapped to file: /tmp/mplayer-af_export (0x40b3c000)
[export] initialized successfully
AF_pre: af format: 2 bps, 2 ch, 44100 hz, little endian signed int
AF_pre: 44100Hz 2ch Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian)
AO: [arts] Connected to sound server
AO: [arts] Stream opened
AO: [arts] buffer size: 20480
AO: [arts] packet size: 2048
AO: [arts] 44100Hz 2ch Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian) (2 bps)
AO: Descrição: aRts audio output
AO: Autor: Michele Balistreri <brain87 at gmx.net>
Building audio filter chain for 44100Hz/2ch/16bit ->

MPlayer interrompido por sinal 11 no módulo af_init
- MPlayer falhou por mau uso do CPU/FPU/RAM.
  Recompile o MPlayer com --enable-debug e faça um 'gdb backtrace' e
  'disassembly'. Para detalhes, veja DOCS/en/bugreports.html#crash
- MPlayer falhou. Isso não deveria acontecer.
  Pode ser um erro no código do MPlayer _ou_ em seus drivers _ou_ em
sua versão
  do gcc. Se você acha que é culpa do MPlayer, por favor leia
  DOCS/en/bugreports.html e siga as instruções. Nós não podemos e não
vamos ajudar
  a não ser que você proveja esta informação quando reportar um
possível erro.

*** uninit(0x6CA)
Uninit audio filters...
[libaf] Removing filter export

As soon as I have something working I send it to you.

BTW, you can test it, even if you don't use anythin to listen to mmaped
area... But it you want, I have a software to use with mplayer that
uses this filter: http://gsbarbieri.sytes.net/mpav-0.0.1.tar.bz2



 --- Anders Johansson <ajh at watri.org.au> escreveu: 
> Hi Gustavo,
> I have edited your code to make it consistent wit the stype of the
> resto of libaf (hope you don't mind). I have also fixed the memory
> issue. Could you pleas test the filter before I apply it to cvs.
> Sorry
> for the delay btw, been bussy studying :).
> //Anders
> > /* This audio filter exports the incomming signal to other
>    using memory mapping. Memeory mapped area contains a header: int
>    nch, int size, unsigned long long counter (updated every time the
>    contents of the area changes), the rest is payload
> (non-interleaved).
> */
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <string.h>
> #include <inttypes.h>
> #include <unistd.h>
> #include <sys/types.h>
> #include <sys/mman.h>
> #include <sys/types.h>
> #include <sys/stat.h>
> #include <fcntl.h>
> #include "af.h"
> extern char * get_path( char * filename );
> #define DEF_SZ 512 // default buffer size (in samples)
> #define SHARED_FILE "mplayer-af_export" /* default file name 
> 					   (relative to ~/.mplayer/ */
> #define SIZE_HEADER (2 * sizeof(int) + sizeof(unsigned long long))
> // Data for specific instances of this filter
> typedef struct af_export_s
> {
>   unsigned long long  count; // Used for sync
>   void* buf[AF_NCH]; 	// Buffers for storing the data before it is
> exported
>   int 	sz;	      	// Size of buffer in samples
>   int 	wi;  		// Write index
>   int	fd;           	// File descriptor to shared memory area
>   char* filename;      	// File to export data
>   void* mmap_area;     	// MMap shared area
> } af_export_t;
> /* Initialization and runtime control
>    af audio filter instance
>    cmd control command
>    arg argument
> */
> static int control(struct af_instance_s* af, int cmd, void* arg)
> {
>   af_export_t* s = af->setup;
>   switch (cmd){
>     int i;
>     int mapsize;
>     // Free previous buffers
>     for (i = 0; i < af->data->nch; i++){
>       if(s->buf[i])
> 	free(s->buf[i]);
>     }
>     // unmap previous area
>     if(s->mmap_area)
>       munmap(s->mmap_area, SIZE_HEADER +
> (af->data->bps*s->sz*af->data->nch));
>     // close previous file descriptor
>     if(s->fd)
>       close(s->fd);	
>     // Accept only int16_t as input fomat (which sucks)
>     af->data->rate   = ((af_data_t*)arg)->rate;
>     af->data->nch    = ((af_data_t*)arg)->nch;
>     af->data->format = AF_FORMAT_SI | AF_FORMAT_NE;
>     af->data->bps    = 2;
>     // If buffer length isn't set, set it to the default value
>     if(s->sz == 0)
>       s->sz = DEF_SZ;
>     // Allocate new buffers (as one continous block)
>     s->buf[0] = calloc(DEF_SZ*af->data->nch, af->data->bps);
>     if(NULL == s->buf[i])
>       af_msg(AF_MSG_FATAL, "[export] Out of memory\n");
>     for(i = 1; i < af->data->nch; i++)
>       s->buf[i] = s->buf[0] + i*DEF_SZ*af->data->bps;
>     // Init memory mapping
>     s->fd = open(s->filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0640);
>     af_msg(AF_MSG_INFO, "[export] Exporting to file: %s\n",
> s->filename);
>     if(s->fd < 0)
>       af_msg(AF_MSG_FATAL, "[export] Could not open/create file:
> %s\n", 
> 	     s->filename);
>     // header + buffer
>     mapsize = (SIZE_HEADER + (af->data->bps * s->sz *
> af->data->nch));
>     // grow file to needed size
>     for(i = 0; i < mapsize; i++){
>       char null = 0;
>       write(s->fd, (void*) &null, 1);
>     }
>     // mmap size
>     s->mmap_area = mmap(0, mapsize, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,MAP_SHARED,
> s->fd, 0);
>     if(s->mmap_area == NULL)
>       af_msg(AF_MSG_FATAL, "[export] Could not mmap file %s\n",
> s->filename);
>     af_msg(AF_MSG_INFO, "[export] Memory mapped to file: %s (%p)\n", 
> 	   s->filename, s->mmap_area);
>     // Initialize header
>     *((int*)s->mmap_area) = af->data->nch;
>     *((int*)s->mmap_area + 1) = s->sz * af->data->bps *
> af->data->nch;
>     msync(s->mmap_area, mapsize, MS_ASYNC);
>     // Use test_output to return FALSE if necessary
>     return af_test_output(af, (af_data_t*)arg);
>   }
>     int i=0;
>     char *str = arg;
>     if (!str){
>       if(s->filename) 
> 	free(s->filename);
>       s->filename = get_path(SHARED_FILE);
>       return AF_OK;
>     }
>     while((str[i]) && (str[i] != ':'))
>       i++;
>     if(s->filename)
>       free(s->filename);
>     s->filename = calloc(i + 1, sizeof(char));
>     memcpy(s->filename, str, i);
>     s->filename[i] = 0;
>     sscanf(str + i, "%d", &(s->sz));
>     return af->control(af, AF_CONTROL_EXPORT_SZ | AF_CONTROL_SET,
> &s->sz);
>   }
>     s->sz = * (int *) arg;
>     if((s->sz <= 0) || (s->sz > 2048))
>       af_msg( AF_MSG_ERROR, "[export] Buffer size must be between"
> 	      " 1 and 2048\n" );
>     return AF_OK;
>     *(int*) arg = s->sz;
>     return AF_OK;
>   }
>   return AF_UNKNOWN;
> }
> /* Free allocated memory and clean up other stuff too.
>    af audio filter instance
> */
> static void uninit( struct af_instance_s* af )
> {
>   int i;
>   if (af->data){
>     free(af->data);
>     af->data = NULL;
>   }
>   if(af->setup){
>     af_export_t* s = af->setup;
>     for(i = 0; i < AF_NCH; i++)
>       if(s->buf[i])
> 	free(s->buf[i]);
>     // Free mmaped area
>     if(s->mmap_area)
>       munmap(s->mmap_area, sizeof(af_export_t));	  
>     if(s->fd > -1)
>       close(s->fd);
>     if(s->filename)
> 	free(s->filename);
>     free(af->setup);
>     af->setup = NULL;
>   }
> }
> /* Filter data through filter
>    af audio filter instance
>    data audio data
> */
> static af_data_t* play( struct af_instance_s* af, af_data_t* data )
> {
>   af_data_t*   	c   = data;	     // Current working data
>   af_export_t* 	s   = af->setup;     // Setup for this instance
>   int16_t* 	a   = c->audio;	     // Incomming sound
>   int 		nch = c->nch;	     // Number of channels
>   int		len = c->len/c->bps; // Number of sample in data chunk
>   int 		sz  = s->sz;         // buffer size (in samples)
>   int 		flag = 0;	     // Set to 1 if buffer is filled
>   int 		ch, i;
>   // Fill all buffers
>   for(ch = 0; ch < nch; ch++){
>     int 	wi = s->wi;    	 // Reset write index
>     int16_t* 	b  = s->buf[ch]; // Current buffer 
>     // Copy data to export buffers 
>     for(i = ch; i < len; i += nch){
>       b[wi++] = a[i];
>       if(wi >= sz){ // Don't write outside the end of the buffer
> 	flag = 1;
> 	break;
>       }
>     }
>     s->wi = wi % s->sz;
>   }
>   // Export buffer to mmaped area
>   if(flag){
>     // update buffer in mapped area
>     memcpy(s->mmap_area + SIZE_HEADER, s->buf, sz * c->bps * s->nch);
>     s->count++; // increment counter (to sync)
>     memcpy(s->mmap_area + SIZE_HEADER - sizeof(s->count), 
> 	   &(s->count), sizeof(s->count));
>   }
>   // We don't modify data, just export it
>   return data;
> }
> /* Allocate memory and set function pointers
>    af audio filter instance 
>    returns AF_OK or AF_ERROR
> */
> static int af_open( af_instance_t* af )
> {
>   af->control = control;
>   af->uninit  = uninit;
>   af->play    = play;
>   af->mul.n   = 1;
>   af->mul.d   = 1;
>   af->data    = calloc(1, sizeof(af_data_t));
>   af->setup   = calloc(1, sizeof(af_export_t));
>   if((af->data == NULL) || (af->setup == NULL))
>     return AF_ERROR;
>   ((af_export_t *)af->setup)->filename = get_path(SHARED_FILE);
>   return AF_OK;
> }
> // Description of this filter
> af_info_t af_info_export = {
>     "Sound export filter",
>     "export",
>     "Anders; Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri
> <gustavo.barbieri at ic.unicamp.br>",
>     "",
>     af_open
> };
> > _______________________________________________
> MPlayer-dev-eng mailing list
> MPlayer-dev-eng at mplayerhq.hu
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