[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] Subtitle formatting... 3

Salvatore Falco sfalco at studenti.ing.uniroma1.it
Mon Sep 8 09:24:29 CEST 2003

	Again, this patch should introduce the subtitling formatting
feature, with previously reported bugs removed.
	Please, try it and let me know if you have problems with it.

	Best regards, Salvatore Falco

-------------- next part --------------
diff -Nur MPlayer-20030904.orig/libvo/sub.c MPlayer-20030904/libvo/sub.c
--- MPlayer-20030904.orig/libvo/sub.c	2003-09-05 18:49:36.000000000 +0000
+++ MPlayer-20030904/libvo/sub.c	2003-09-06 19:50:38.000000000 +0000
@@ -14,6 +14,29 @@
 #include "sub.h"
 #include "../spudec.h"
+// Structures needed for the new splitting algorithm.
+// osd_text_t contains the single subtitle word.
+// osd_text_p is used to mark the lines of subtitles
+struct osd_text_t {
+    int osd_kerning, //kerning with the previous word
+	osd_length,  //orizontal length inside the bbox
+	text_length, //number of characters
+	*text;       //characters
+    struct osd_text_t *prev,
+                      *next;
+struct osd_text_p {
+    int  value;
+    struct osd_text_t *ott;
+    struct osd_text_p *prev,
+                      *next;
 char * __sub_osd_names[]={
@@ -310,11 +333,12 @@
    unsigned char *t;
    int c,i,j,l,x,y,font,prevc;
    int len;
-   int k,lastk;
+   int k;
    int lastStripPosition;
-   int xsize,lastxsize;
+   int xsize;
    int xmin=dxs,xmax=0;
    int h,lasth;
+   int xtblc, utblc;
@@ -329,21 +353,30 @@
       // too long lines divide into a smaller ones
-      xsize=-vo_font->charspace;
+    {
+	struct osd_text_t *osl, *cp_ott, *tmp_ott, *tmp;
+	struct osd_text_p *otp_sub = NULL, *otp_sub_tmp,	// these are used to store the whole sub text osd
+	                  *otp, *tmp_otp, *pmt;	// these are used to manage sub text osd coming from a single sub line
+	int *char_seq, char_position, xlimit = dxs * sub_width_p / 100, counter;
       while (l) {
+	    xsize = -vo_font->charspace;
-//	  printf("sub(%d) '%s'\n",len,t);
-//	  if(len<0) memy -=h; // according to max of vo_font->pic_a[font]->h 
-//	  else
+	    char_position = 0;
+	    char_seq = (int *) malloc((len + 1) * sizeof(int));
 	  prevc = -1;
+	    otp = NULL;
+	    osl = NULL;
+	    x = 1;
+	    // reading the subtitle words from vo_sub->text[]
 	  for (j=0;j<=len;j++){
 	      if ((c=t[j])>=0x80){
 		 if (sub_utf8){
@@ -362,78 +395,239 @@
 	      if (!c) c++; // avoid UCS 0
 	      render_one_glyph(vo_font, c);
-	      if (c==' '){
-		 lastk=k;
-		 lastStripPosition=j;
-		 lastxsize=xsize;
- 	      } else if ((!suboverlap_enabled) && ((font = vo_font->font[c]) >= 0)) {
- 		/*
- 		   With overlapping subtitles, we need to comment this out,
- 		   beacuse that part of the code creates subtitles with the
- 		   last line blank (" "): in this case previous 'if' statement
- 		   is false an following 'if' is not executed. When, instead,
- 		   a subtitle with a non-blank last line arrives, the following
- 		   code is executed, and the result is a small 'jump' of the
- 		   subtiles. We can not simply delete the following, unless
- 		   having the last subtitle line partly drawn outside the
- 		   screen, so, some lines forward, we introduce an increment
- 		   which affects both blank and non-blank lines.
- 		   *sfalco*
- 		 */
-		  if (vo_font->pic_a[font]->h > h){
-		     h=vo_font->pic_a[font]->h;
-		  }
-	      }
-	      obj->params.subtitle.utbl[k++]=c;
-	      xsize+=vo_font->width[c]+vo_font->charspace+kerning(vo_font,prevc,c);
-	      if (dxs*sub_width_p/100<xsize){
-		  prevc = -1;
-		 if (lastStripPosition>0){
-		    j=lastStripPosition;
-		    xsize=lastxsize;
-		    k=lastk;
-		 } else {
-		    xsize -=vo_font->width[c]+vo_font->charspace+kerning(vo_font,prevc,c);; // go back
-		    k--; // cut line here
-		    while (t[j] && t[j]!=' ') j++; // jump to the nearest space
-		 }
-	      } else if (j<len) {
-		  prevc = c;
-		  continue;
-	      }
-	      if (h>obj->y){ // out of the screen so end parsing
-		 obj->y -= lasth - vo_font->height; // correct the y position
-		 l=0;
-		 break;
-	      }
-	      obj->params.subtitle.utbl[k++]=0;
-	      obj->params.subtitle.xtbl[obj->params.subtitle.lines++]=(dxs-xsize)/2;
-	      if(xmin>(dxs-xsize)/2) xmin=(dxs-xsize)/2;
-	      if(xmax<(dxs+xsize)/2) xmax=(dxs+xsize)/2;
-	      if (obj->params.subtitle.lines==MAX_UCSLINES||k>MAX_UCS){
-		 l=0; len=j; // end parsing
-	      } else if(l || j<len){ // not the last line or not the last char
-		 lastStripPosition=-1;
-		 xsize=-vo_font->charspace;
-		 lasth=h;
-		 h=vo_font->height;
-	      }
-//	      printf("h: %d -> %d  \n",vo_font->height,h);
-	      obj->y -=h; // according to max of vo_font->pic_a[font]->h 
-	      prevc = -1;
-	  }
-      }
-    /*
-       Here is the little increment we talked about before. '40' is the
-       ASCII code for '(', which, hopefully, is the highest char of the
-       font.
-       *sfalco*
-     */
-    if(suboverlap_enabled &&
-       vo_font->font[40]>=0 && vo_font->pic_a[vo_font->font[40]])
-	obj->y -= vo_font->pic_a[vo_font->font[40]]->h - vo_font->height;
+		if (c == ' ') {
+		    struct osd_text_t *tmp_ott = (struct osd_text_t *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct osd_text_t));
+		    if (osl == NULL) {
+			osl = cp_ott = tmp_ott;
+		    } else {
+			tmp_ott->prev = cp_ott;
+			cp_ott->next = tmp_ott;
+			tmp_ott->osd_kerning =
+			    vo_font->charspace + vo_font->width[' '];
+			cp_ott = tmp_ott;
+		    }
+		    tmp_ott->osd_length = xsize;
+		    tmp_ott->text_length = char_position;
+		    tmp_ott->text = (int *) malloc(char_position * sizeof(int));
+		    for (counter = 0; counter < char_position; ++counter)
+			tmp_ott->text[counter] = char_seq[counter];
+		    char_position = 0;
+		    xsize = 0;
+		    prevc = c;
+		} else {
+		    int delta_xsize = vo_font->width[c] + vo_font->charspace + kerning(vo_font, prevc, c);
+		    if (xsize + delta_xsize <= dxs) {
+			if (!x) x = 1;
+			prevc = c;
+			char_seq[char_position++] = c;
+			xsize += delta_xsize;
+			if ((!suboverlap_enabled) && ((font = vo_font->font[c]) >= 0)) {
+			    if (vo_font->pic_a[font]->h > h) {
+				h = vo_font->pic_a[font]->h;
+			    }
+			}
+		    } else {
+			if (x) {
+			    mp_msg(MSGT_OSD, MSGL_WARN, "\nSubtitle word '%s' too long!\n", t);
+			    x = 0;
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+	    }// for len (all words from subtitle line read)
+	    // osl holds an ordered (as they appear in the lines) chain of the subtitle words
+	    {
+		struct osd_text_t *tmp_ott = (struct osd_text_t *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct osd_text_t));
+		if (osl == NULL) {
+		    osl = cp_ott = tmp_ott;
+		} else {
+		    tmp_ott->prev = cp_ott;
+		    cp_ott->next = tmp_ott;
+		    tmp_ott->osd_kerning =
+			vo_font->charspace + vo_font->width[' '];
+		    cp_ott = tmp_ott;
+		}
+		tmp_ott->osd_length = xsize;
+		tmp_ott->text_length = char_position;
+		tmp_ott->text = (int *) malloc(char_position * sizeof(int));
+		for (counter = 0; counter < char_position; ++counter)
+		    tmp_ott->text[counter] = char_seq[counter];
+		char_position = 0;
+		xsize = -vo_font->charspace;
+	    }
+	    if (osl != NULL) {
+		int value = 0, exit = 0, minimum = 0;
+		// otp will contain the chain of the osd subtitle lines coming from the single vo_sub line.
+		otp = tmp_otp = (struct osd_text_p *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct osd_text_p));
+		tmp_otp->ott = osl;
+		for (tmp_ott = tmp_otp->ott; exit == 0; ) {
+		    while ((tmp_ott != NULL) && (value + tmp_ott->osd_kerning + tmp_ott->osd_length <= xlimit)) {
+			value += tmp_ott->osd_kerning + tmp_ott->osd_length;
+			tmp_ott = tmp_ott->next;
+		    }
+		    if (tmp_ott != NULL) {
+			struct osd_text_p *tmp = (struct osd_text_p *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct osd_text_p));
+			tmp_otp->value = value;
+			tmp_otp->next = tmp;
+			tmp->prev = tmp_otp;
+			tmp_otp = tmp;
+			tmp_otp->ott = tmp_ott;
+			value = -2 * vo_font->charspace - vo_font->width[' '];
+		    } else {
+			tmp_otp->value = value;
+			exit = 1;
+		    }
+		}
+		// minimum holds the 'sum of the differences in lenght among the lines',
+		// a measure of the eveness of the lenghts of the lines
+		for (tmp_otp = otp; tmp_otp->next != NULL; tmp_otp = tmp_otp->next) {
+		    pmt = tmp_otp->next;
+		    while (pmt != NULL) {
+			minimum += abs(tmp_otp->value - pmt->value);
+			pmt = pmt->next;
+		    }
+		}
+		if (otp->next != NULL) {
+		    int mem1, mem2;
+		    struct osd_text_p *mem, *hold;
+		    exit = 0;
+		    // until the last word of a line can be moved to the beginning of following line
+		    // reducing the 'sum of the differences in lenght among the lines', it is done
+		    while (exit == 0) {
+			hold = NULL;
+			exit = 1;
+			for (tmp_otp = otp; tmp_otp->next != NULL; tmp_otp = tmp_otp->next) {
+			    pmt = tmp_otp->next;
+			    for (tmp = tmp_otp->ott; tmp->next != pmt->ott; tmp = tmp->next);
+			    if (pmt->value + tmp->osd_length + pmt->ott->osd_kerning <= xlimit) {
+				mem1 = tmp_otp->value;
+				mem2 = pmt->value;
+				tmp_otp->value = mem1 - tmp->osd_length - tmp->osd_kerning;
+				pmt->value = mem2 + tmp->osd_length + pmt->ott->osd_kerning;
+				value = 0;
+				for (mem = otp; mem->next != NULL; mem = mem->next) {
+				    pmt = mem->next;
+				    while (pmt != NULL) {
+					value += abs(mem->value - pmt->value);
+					pmt = pmt->next;
+				    }
+				}
+				if (value < minimum) {
+				    minimum = value;
+				    hold = tmp_otp;
+				    exit = 0;
+				}
+				tmp_otp->value = mem1;
+				tmp_otp->next->value = mem2;
+			    }
+			}
+			// merging
+			if (exit == 0) {
+			    tmp_otp = hold;
+			    pmt = tmp_otp->next;
+			    for (tmp = tmp_otp->ott; tmp->next != pmt->ott; tmp = tmp->next);
+			    mem1 = tmp_otp->value;
+			    mem2 = pmt->value;
+			    tmp_otp->value = mem1 - tmp->osd_length - tmp->osd_kerning;
+			    pmt->value = mem2 + tmp->osd_length + pmt->ott->osd_kerning;
+			    pmt->ott = tmp;
+			}//~merging
+		    }//~while(exit == 0)
+		}//~if(otp->next!=NULL)
+		// adding otp (containing splitted lines) to otp chain
+		if (otp_sub == NULL) {
+		    otp_sub = otp;
+		    for (otp_sub_tmp = otp_sub; otp_sub_tmp->next != NULL; otp_sub_tmp = otp_sub_tmp->next);
+		} else {
+		    //updating ott chain
+		    tmp = otp_sub->ott;
+		    while (tmp->next != NULL) tmp = tmp->next;
+		    tmp->next = otp->ott;
+		    otp->ott->prev = tmp;
+		    //attaching new subtitle line at the end
+		    otp_sub_tmp->next = otp;
+		    otp->prev = otp_sub_tmp;
+		    do
+			otp_sub_tmp = otp_sub_tmp->next;
+		    while (otp_sub_tmp->next != NULL);
+		}
+	    }//~ if(osl != NULL)
+	} // while
+	// write lines into utbl
+	xtblc = 0;
+	utblc = 0;
+	obj->y = dys;
+	obj->params.subtitle.lines = 0;
+	for (tmp_otp = otp_sub; tmp_otp != NULL; tmp_otp = tmp_otp->next) {
+	    if ((obj->params.subtitle.lines++) >= MAX_UCSLINES)
+		break;
+	    if (h > obj->y) {	// out of the screen so end parsing
+		obj->y -= lasth - vo_font->height;	// correct the y position
+		break;
+	    }
+	    xsize = tmp_otp->value;
+	    obj->params.subtitle.xtbl[xtblc++] = (dxs - xsize) / 2;
+	    if (xmin > (dxs - xsize) / 2)
+		xmin = (dxs - xsize) / 2;
+	    if (xmax < (dxs + xsize) / 2)
+		xmax = (dxs + xsize) / 2;
+	    tmp = (tmp_otp->next == NULL) ? NULL : tmp_otp->next->ott;
+	    for (tmp_ott = tmp_otp->ott; tmp_ott != tmp; tmp_ott = tmp_ott->next) {
+		for (counter = 0; counter < tmp_ott->text_length; ++counter) {
+		    if (utblc > MAX_UCS) {
+			break;
+		    }
+		    c = tmp_ott->text[counter];
+		    render_one_glyph(vo_font, c);
+		    obj->params.subtitle.utbl[utblc++] = c;
+		    k++;
+		}
+		obj->params.subtitle.utbl[utblc++] = ' ';
+	    }
+	    obj->params.subtitle.utbl[utblc - 1] = 0;
+	    obj->y -= vo_font->height;
+	}
+	if(obj->params.subtitle.lines)
+	    obj->y = dys - ((obj->params.subtitle.lines - 1) * vo_font->height + vo_font->pic_a[vo_font->font[40]]->h);
+	// free memory
+	if (otp_sub != NULL) {
+	    for (tmp = otp_sub->ott; tmp->next != NULL; free(tmp->prev)) {
+		free(tmp->text);
+		tmp = tmp->next;
+	    }
+	    free(tmp->text);
+	    free(tmp);
+	    for(pmt = otp_sub; pmt->next != NULL; free(pmt->prev)) {
+		pmt = pmt->next;
+	    }
+	    free(pmt);
+	} else {
+		mp_msg(MSGT_OSD, MSGL_WARN, "\nSubtitles requested but not found.\n");
+	}
+    }
+    /// vertical alignment
     h = dys - obj->y;
     if (sub_alignment == 2)
         obj->y = dys * sub_pos / 100 - h;

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