[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] formats.html (again)

Felix Buenemann atmosfear at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Mar 29 00:35:41 CET 2002

Am Don, 2002-03-28 um 22.05 schrieb Arpi:
> Hi,
> in the reality, no video-only file format, which can be played by codec
> without using some kind of demuxer. but most (not all) audio-only file
> format is the same as teh raw audio steram of a mxued stream, so they
> can be played without using any demuxer. in this case we may say: audio
> format is the same as audio-only file format. btw it's misleading and i
> doubt we should keep such sentence in the docs.

btw. what about addind a raw-demuxer or null-demuxer to allow decoding
of raw streams together with -demuxer <nummofnulldemuxer> -vc
<somecodec> or we already have such thing?
Best Regards,
- MPlayer Developer - http://mplayerhq.hu/ -

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