[MPlayer-dev-eng] STOP FLAME HERE. NOW. ASAP!

Arpi arpi at thot.banki.hu
Fri Mar 1 21:37:29 CET 2002


It's already more than enough of flamewar here nowdays.
About docs, html, standards, indent, egghead^H^H^H^Her's coding suggestions
etc. STOP these. this is NOT the right list for this topic...

do NOT reply to flame threads, not this mail.
i'll immediatelly blacklist anyone posting more flame, be it egger or
gabucino or anyone else.

this list is about mplayer development, and not about everything else.
if you don't like our coding style, it is YOUR, ONLY YOUR problem.
you don't have and should NOT tell us your oppinion. we are simply NOT
interested in it. ok? go home and sleep.

i'm very IDEG and also other real developers (who actually commits not just
flood flame) are ideg (==upset).

if you have usefull (not cosmetics or html syntax "tidy") patches, send it.
if you have questions about code, missing from RTFM, ask here.
if you have constructive comments, send it.
if you have personal opinios about coding styels, standars, other
developers, offtopic subjects, code or html indenting, KEEP IT FOR YOURSEF 
or cat > /dev/null.

that's all.

don't forget, next flame sender automagically goes to blacklist.

A'rpi / IDEG team

Developer of MPlayer, the Movie Player for Linux - http://www.MPlayerHQ.hu

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