[MPlayer-dev-eng] Strange CVS output during commit

Alban Bedel albeu at free.fr
Fri Feb 15 17:43:55 CET 2002

Hi Arpi,

I don't know if I must send such things but my last commit spited this :

Checking in libmpdemux/demux_audio.c;
/cvsroot/mplayer/main/libmpdemux/demux_audio.c,v  <--  demux_audio.c
new revision: 1.4; previous revision: 1.3
Building CVS BACKUP patch: patch/main/004330-albeu.patch
Testing patch...
patching file main/DOCS/DXR3,v
patch: **** Can't rename file /tmp/poJINF7w to main/DOCS/DXR3,v : Permission denied
Mailing mplayer-cvslog at mplayer.dev.hu...
Generating notification message...
Generating notification message... done.

I think something went wrong somewhere. Why does it try to patch DOCS/DXR3 ?
By the way, how can I get stuff from the incoming dir on ftp ? My CVS login/pass 
don't work for this (at least with ftp and ncftp).

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