[MPlayer-dev-eng] Variable Framerate

Arpi arpi at thot.banki.hu
Sun Feb 10 12:15:19 CET 2002


> 	Does MPlayer have any support for variable framerates? I
it does

> still haven't gotten the FILM file framerate exactly right. From what I've
> figured out, the FILM files were designed to be played on an
> interrupt-driven real-time computer system like, for example, a video game
> console (imagine that). A FILM file defines a base timer frequency is Hz
> and each frame is tagged with 1) the absolute timestamp of the frame with
> respect to the base timer, and 2) the number of timer ticks until the next
> frame is to be displayed. I can see how this would be useful in an
> interrupt-driven environment (display frame from decode cache, set timer
> interrupt to let player know when to display next frame).
the same used for mov and asf files
base clock of asf is always 1000hz, for mov it's stored in header
you probably have to set correct PTS values for frames, and also add support
at libmpdemyx/video.c

A'rpi / Astral & ESP-team

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	-- Martin Baum, a tipical MPlayer user...

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