[MPlayer-dev-eng] Re: ffmpeg bug fixed in cvs

Milan Cutka cutka at szm.sk
Tue Aug 6 21:38:24 CEST 2002

GT> Look at this thread:
GT> http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?s=&postid=162874#post162874

Sorry, now I'm at home and have only dialup connection and have to pay
quite high telephone fees (you will surprised, but here in Slovakia
internet got more expensive last month :( ), so it's for me difficult
to read and submit to forums.

GT> I've tried to update libavcodec but ffdshow crashes... maybe it need also an
GT> update to dshow filter, but I haven't visual studio...

libavcodec in ffdshow CVS is modified in some places, because I needed
some functionality not present in official libavcodec and din't want
to bother libavcodec developers: switching of IDCT routine, exporting
motion vectors, ... So it's a little bit tricky to merge libavcodec
changes to ffdshow. When I'm sending this email to you, in CVS is
already fresh libavcodec.

GT> I've include my modified sources for latest cvs snap...
GT> I've modified common.h and defined always CONFIG_WIN_32 because I'm using
GT> mingw and not cygwin in "mingw emulation"

I compiled ffdshow with latest plain mingw downloaded from their
sourceforge site and without any problems.


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