[Mplayer-dev-eng] mp3lib mangling files

Bob McElrath mcelrath at draal.physics.wisc.edu
Fri Sep 21 09:11:07 CEST 2001

mp3lib is mangling its output when all optimizations are disabled.
mp3 files that play fine under mpg123 and xmms sound like there's a
chainsaw in the background.  I can provide wav files if it would be

But to see it, just set all the TARGET_ macros to 'no' and do a 'make'
and 'make test2' in the mp3lib directory.  Then use test2 to listen to
an mp3 file.

This is on the alpha architecture (alpha/linux), but since it looks like
this code was copied from mpg123, and mpg123 plays fine, something must
have gotten changed...

-- Bob

Bob McElrath (rsmcelrath at students.wisc.edu) 
Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison, Department of Physics
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