[Mplayer-dev-eng] libdvdcss

Robert Edmonds edmonds at robertedmonds.net
Sun Sep 9 02:39:36 CEST 2001

has anyone taken a look at libdvdcss? i've tried to compile libcss for freebsd
and it doesn't work due to the fact that it uses linux-centric DVD headers.

"libdvdcss is a simple library designed for accessing DVDs like a block device
without having to bother about the decryption. The important features are: 

   - Portability. Currently supported platforms are GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, BeOS
     and Windows.
   - The MacOS X version is being worked on as well.
   - Simplicity. There are currently 7 functions in the API, and we intend to
     keep this number low.
   - Freedom. libdvdcss is released under the General Public License, ensuring
     it will stay free, and used only for free software products.
   - Just better. Unlike most similar projects, libdvdcss doesn't require the
     region of your drive to be set.

WWW: http://www.videolan.org/libdvdcss/

i checked, and libcss is also GPL'd, so it looks like licensing shouldn't be
an issue? i read how mplayer uses libdvdread, which dlopens libcss? is it
possible for mplayer to dlopen libdvdcss? that way we could start getting DVD
playback on BSDs :) videolan just doesn't cut

Robert Edmonds
edmonds at robertedmonds.net

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