[MPlayer-dev-eng] Draw Alpha

Ivan Kalvatchev iive at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 28 19:07:38 CET 2001

Few days ago i sow coments about drawing subtitles for
DVD. I sow the equation that is used for computing, i
sow that some changes are made. I didn't mind it, but
later I realize that the formula is wrong. I couldn't
find the fix and today i chaked the source. This is
form osd_template.c:
or in float:

The right formula is:

so when alpha=1 we get  dst=src;
and when alpha=0 we get dst=osd;

As you work with sharp colors 0,255 you may not notice
it, becouse of overflow (0xFF=-1), but in case you
have osd=127 you should have strange effects (not

So with the right formula it is just a matter of
preferences does alpha==0 means transparent or solid.

  Best Regards
Ivan Kalvachev

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