[Mplayer-dev-eng] release today?

Nick Kurshev nickols_k at mail.ru
Wed Jun 20 11:15:20 CEST 2001

Hi, Arpi!

On 2001-06-19 19:42:12 you wrote:

>> Nick,   SOLVED: disabled SSE code in fastmemcpy.h ;(
>> can you do better solution?
>i can: removed SSE code in fastmemcpy.h :)
>btw it was slower than non-sse code, so it doens't matter.
Could you describe me this problem in detail?
What's SSE-related problem in fastmemcpy? IMHO SSE stuff 
is disabled by default there. AFAIK mplayer contains a lot
of SSE code in other parts - AC3 for example.
I have an idea: it would be better to check kernel version
at runtime - if it is 2.2.x and mplayer was optimized for SSE1(2)
then mplayer should cease of working.

ALSO: Could you tell me new primary URL of mlpayer where you plan
to locate project in the future (WAS: you leave sf.net), and what stops
you to release mplayer?

Best regards! Nick (2001-06-20 09:05:47)

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