OT: Re: [Mplayer-dev-eng] [patch] codecs.conf is moved, update faq.html

Christoph Lampert lampert at math.chalmers.se
Fri Aug 24 09:13:44 CEST 2001

Attila wrote:

>On Thu, 23 Aug 2001 14:27:39 +0200 (MET DST) Christoph Lampert 
<lampert at math.chalmers.se> wrote:
>> Errr... does it mean that?
>> I speak german for several years now, but to me this quotation means...
>> er... hardly anything. Actually I don't understand it. What???
>It referes to the german proverb "Es wird nicht so heiss
>gegessen wie gekocht wird." (Meaning, that most things
>look awfull and big in the beginning but if they actually
>got done they aren't that big)

Yes, I know that... Problem is, that by turning construction around,
you don't change the temporal implication, it's still _first_ cooked,
_then_ eaten, so the proverb you quoted means (not really, but rather):
"In the internet, things don't look awful in the beginning, but in the 
end turn out to be horrible." 

Which is not really what it should say. Oh, well, enough german lessons for me 
today. "Morgens, halb zehn in Deutschland... Zeit fuer ne Pause!"


Dipl. math. Christoph Lampert (complex analysis, integral formulae)

Gibraltargatan 86                  |     CTH, Matematiskt centrum
rum 637                            |     Eklandagatan 86, rum 2235
41279 Gothenburg                   |     41296 Gothenburg
SWEDEN                             |     SWEDEN
Email: gruel at gmx.de                |     Email: lampert at math.chalmers.se
                                   | 	 Tel. +46 31 772 5323 (office)

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