[MPlayer-cygwin] Re: A small Mplayer + Cygwin HOWTO

Walter Belhaven wbelhaven at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 16 01:44:47 CEST 2006


I'm attempting to build the latest mplayer from svn on cygwin,
following as closely as possible Pekka's excellent how-to, with the
improvements/mods suggested by Tom.  Here are links to the original
posts, for convenience:


Everything seems to work swimmingly until 'make' tries to link
everything together into the mplayer.exe executable, at which point I
get tons of errors along the lines of:

libvo/libvo.a(vo_gl.o):vo_gl.c:(.text+0xa9): undefined reference to

I tried disabling x11 with "--disable-x11" but that didn't change
anything.  I've gotten the latest svn source of mplayer (as of about 12
hours ago), and I've done a complete update and install of anything and
everything cygwin.

Any suggestions?

Also, are there any tricks to building aac-encoding support into
mplayer?  Specifically, is faac the vehicle folks are using for aac
encoding?  I built faac, or at least I thought I did, and yet I get the
following link errors (along with the libvo-type errors mentioned
above) when building mplayer:

libavcodec/libavcodec.a(faac.o):faac.c:(.text+0x3f): undefined
reference to `_faacEncOpen at 16'

Any help would be appreciated here.


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