[MPlayer-cygwin] X264 not recognised during configure

Spirou Spirou spirouspy at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 15 17:39:36 CEST 2006


I'm trying to use mencoder with x264 but the configure script doesn't detect 
Of course I've download the latest SVN, compiled and installed it (configure 
 > make > make install), but during the configure check I've always 
"Checking for x264 ... no", even if I try to force it. The libraries and 
headers are present into the good folders.
My command line is :
$ ./configure --with-extraincdir=/usr/local/include 
--with-extralibdir=/usr/local/lib --with-x264libdir=/usr/local/lib/ 
--with-x264incdir=/usr/local/include --enable-x264

I've got the following in the configure.log :
============ Checking for x264 ============

#include <inttypes.h>
#include <x264.h>
#if X264_BUILD < 46
#error We do not support old versions of x264. Get the latest from SVN.
int main(void) { x264_encoder_open((void*)0); return 0; }

cc -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/  -L/usr/local/lib/ -o 
/tmp/mplayer-conf-7412-2056.o /tmp/mplayer-conf-1972-2056.c 
-I/usr/local/include/ -L/usr/local/lib/ -lx264 -lm
undefined reference to `___fpclassify'
undefined reference to `__assert'
undefined reference to `__assert'
undefined reference to `__assert'
undefined reference to `__assert'
/usr/local/lib//libx264.a(csp.o):csp.c:(.text+0x15b2): undefined reference 
to `__imp___iob'
/usr/local/lib//libx264.a(common.o):common.c:(.text+0x3fc): undefined 
reference to `__imp___iob'
/usr/local/lib//libx264.a(common.o):common.c:(.text+0x419): undefined 
reference to `__imp___iob'
/usr/local/lib//libx264.a(common.o):common.c:(.text+0x5dd): undefined 
reference to `__imp___iob'
/usr/local/lib//libx264.a(eval.o):eval.c:(.text+0x331): undefined reference 
to `__imp___iob'
/usr/local/lib//libx264.a(eval.o):eval.c:(.text+0x377): more undefined 
references to `__imp___iob' follow
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

ldd /tmp/mplayer-conf-7412-2056.o
./configure: line 70: ldd: command not found

Result is: no

I'm using cygwin under Windows XP and my mplayer and x264 versions were 
updated today.



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