[MPlayer-cygwin] reworked vo_winvidix.c

Erik Lunchpail erik_27can at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 17 10:09:46 CEST 2005

I've reworked vo_winvidix.c for personal preference to
see if i could get it working better with the gui that
Gianluigi and i work on, so i thought i'd share it

I haven't made any drastic changes, most notably would
be moving all of the code from WM_WINDOWPOSECHANGED
into a new Winvidix_ManageDisplay() function similar
to that of directx's. I also borrowed some code from
vo_directx to allow for runtime resize/aspect
changing. In my SetWindowPos i have a tmpheight + 29
which i got mostly from trial and error, which seems
to work (for me at least) but i'm sure there's some
correct way to calculate that, i just can't figure out

I also moved the
mp_input_queue_cmd(mp_input_parse_cmd("quit")) from
WM_DESTROY and into WM_CLOSE, as that was always
sending an MP_CMD_QUIT to the gui after finishing a
file, or pressing stop, and WM_DESTROY now uses
PostQuitMessage. This should completely unaffect the
commandline version.

I also made it a lot more readable, which is why i
didn't send it as a diff.


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