[MPlayer-cygwin] Sasha's gui and mingw32

Sascha Sommer saschasommer at freenet.de
Sat Jul 24 10:59:00 CEST 2004

On Thursday 22 July 2004 11:28, Erik Augustson wrote:
> Heya all,
> I've been fiddling with getting Sasha's gui to compile under mingw, and
> have done so with a lot of success, but there are a few hitches i could use
> some help with. The steps i took were these; Firstly i grabbed the most
> up-to-date gui patch i could find, which was at:
> http://www4.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/win32-beta/
> mplayer-windows-gui-patch.zip

I moved it to 

> I then unzipped that within the MPlayer source tree, patched configure with
> the configure.diff, and then had to do some manual hacking, all of which
> i've added to a patch which is here: (i added the configure.diff changes
> into it as well) http://vayne.fdns.net/mplayer-gui-mingw.patch
> libvo/vo_gl2 complains about config_glx_gui, and well, since we're in
> windows and we don't use glx, i removed those references. It seems that
> vo_gl2 conflicts with an already defined STREAM_SEEK which is typdef'd in
> /mingw/include/objidl.h and you get a "parse error before numeric
> constant." This is in no way a fix, but i commented out the typdef for
> STREAM_SEEK in objidl.h and it then compiled fine. I'm not sure if this is
> a gcc issue or not, but short of renaming the variables, that was the
> quickest fix i could find.

maybe uncomment #undef STREAM_SEEK befor including windows.h

> The mplayer.c changes were to remove the gmplayer checks and force it to
> use the gui. So once i had it compiled, i could just rename mplayer.exe to
> gmplayer.exe and it would run in gui mode. I know it's still a buggy gui,
> but it still looks great and has all the basic functionality. At the moment
> however, when i double click the the gmplayer.exe, it still opens a command
> prompt which then opens up the gui. What i'd like to know is A) is there a
> better fix for the STREAM_SEEK, this is most important, B) is there any way

see above

> have only the gui come up from gmplayer, rather than have the command
> prompt open (although it's good for debugging) and C) where to start

Do the final linking with -mwindows

> looking to add input from the keyboard to the video output screen (i was
> going to do that tonight, but it's getting late)

No idea about this one.


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