[MPlayer-cygwin] directsound driver

Szecsi Gabor deje at miki.hu
Sun Aug 15 16:34:20 CEST 2004

I have started to write a directsound driver. It is not working well
yet, the sound is very choppy. I think at least double buffering
needed or something similar. The code is based on the videolan output
driver and ao_win32 and my knowledge :)
If anyone has anything useful for me to finish it please don't
hesitate to share it with me.

Sasha: u used a 16 buffer ringbuffer code in ao_win32.c. What is the
purpose of it? I mean the 16 buffers?

I've been trying to fix the ao_win32 code for multichannel but there
is some problem in the av-sync. If I turn it off, the sound is good,
but video is too fast. Why?

In multichannel modes channels need to be remapped as dear M$ never
follows standards other than it's own. VideoLan player has a good
source for it, but I need to know the liba52 channel layout.
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