[MPlayer-cygwin] MinGW compile-problem in vd_lcl.c, missingdefinition of 'Z_NO/BEST_COMPRESSION'

Stefan Gürtler Stefan.guertler at stud.tum.de
Sun Dec 14 20:03:35 CET 2003

> Where is the definition of 'Z_NO_COMPRESSION' and `Z_BEST_COMPRESSION' on
> your systems? Is it in zlib.h, and who do I get it?
So I found out at least that much:
html states that both 'Z_NO_COMPRESSION' and `Z_BEST_COMPRESSION' are
defined in zlib.h.
But as HAVE_ZLIB is undefind in config.h and therefore zlib.h is not
included in vd_lcl.c, I get the compile-error. HAVE_ZLIB is undefined
rightly, as i do not have zlib installed on my mingw-system. This looks like
an Bug to me, using an filemember that is not defined in every case. But my
knowlege is not good enough to summit a path myself. Another of those
#ifdefine HAVE_ZLIB constructions ?!?
I added the two definitions manually to vd_lcl.c and try to compile again.

#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB
#include <zlib.h>

+#define Z_NO_COMPRESSION         0
+#define Z_BEST_COMPRESSION       9

#include "mp_msg.h"


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