[MPlayer-cygwin] [PATCH] 1st real attempt at fixing that SDL config.mak issue

Sycotic Smith sycotic at linuxmail.org
Wed Nov 13 19:19:28 CET 2002

> Hmm, I only have -I/usr/local/include/SDL in my SDL_INC to begin with, 
> no -I/usr/local/include, thus your patch fails for me.  When running 

I have removed it from my SDL_INC, and it works fine, so maybe the patch can be updated to reflect the line below instead of what I had.
+    _ld_sdl=`$_sdlconfig --libs | cut -d " " -f 1,4,6 | sed s/no-cygwin/cygwin/`
+    _inc_sdl=`$_sdlconfig --cflags | cut -d " " -f 2,6,7 | sed s/no-cygwin/cygwin/`

> MPlayer also fails to find the SDL.dll, I have to copy it to the current 
> directory.  Am I missing something?  I have no idea how to set the 
> library patch in Cygwin..

That's one of the things in the FAQ on the cygwin page, I believe.  The easiest way around that is to ln -s from wherever you have it installed to somewhere within your $PATH, this should clear it up.  Personally, I did this to /cygdrive/c/WINNT/system32/SDL.dll and have had no problems with it.  If it isn't in their FAQ, it was on their ml, I can never remember where I read things it seems. ;)

> Cutting that out is no problem with sed, how about this:

Thanks!  That works for me.

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