[MPlayer-cvslog] r27382 - in trunk/TOOLS: README binary-codecs.sh binary_codecs.sh

diego subversion at mplayerhq.hu
Thu Jul 31 11:49:16 CEST 2008

Author: diego
Date: Thu Jul 31 11:49:16 2008
New Revision: 27382

Rename binary-codecs.sh once more to binary_codecs.sh as it is called in Debian.

      - copied, changed from r27381, /trunk/TOOLS/binary-codecs.sh

Modified: trunk/TOOLS/README
--- trunk/TOOLS/README	(original)
+++ trunk/TOOLS/README	Thu Jul 31 11:49:16 2008
@@ -429,15 +429,15 @@ Note:         You will need the libwww-p
               which can be found at http://www.kyz.uklinux.net/cabextract.php3.
 Author:       Andrea Menucci, thuglife
 Description:  Downloads binary codecs from mplayerhq.hu and installs them
               on a Debian system.
-Usage:        binary-codecs.sh install
-              binary-codecs.sh uninstall
+Usage:        binary_codecs.sh install
+              binary_codecs.sh uninstall

Copied: trunk/TOOLS/binary_codecs.sh (from r27381, /trunk/TOOLS/binary-codecs.sh)
--- /trunk/TOOLS/binary-codecs.sh	(original)
+++ trunk/TOOLS/binary_codecs.sh	Thu Jul 31 11:49:16 2008
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 set -e
+umask 0022
 # This script will download binary codecs for MPlayer unto a Debian system.
@@ -24,24 +25,30 @@ choosemirror ()
   #if [ ! -r mirrors ] || find  mirrors -mtime +20  ; then
     echo Downloading mirrors list..
-    wget -nv -c -N $MYSITE/mirrors || true
+    wget -nv -N $MYSITE/mirrors || true
   if [ ! -r bestsites ] || [ mirrors -nt bestsites ] || \
-    find  bestsites -mtime +20 > /dev/null ; then
+    find  bestsites -mtime +20 | grep -q bestsites ; then
     if which netselect > /dev/null  ; then
       echo  Choosing best mirrors using netselect....
-      netselect  -s 5  $( cat mirrors ) | awk '{print $2}' > bestsites
+      netselect  -s 5 -t 5  $( cat mirrors ) | awk '{print $2}' > bestsites
     elif which fping > /dev/null ; then
-      fping -C 1   $( sed   's#.*//##;s#/.*##' mirrors ) 2>&1 | \
-        egrep -v 'bytes.*loss' | sort -n -k3  | \
-        grep -v ': *-' |  awk '/:/{print $1}' | head -5 > bestsites
+     fping -C 1   $( sed   's#.*//##;s#/.*##' mirrors ) 2>&1 | \
+       egrep -v 'bytes.*loss' | sort -n -k3  | \
+       grep -v ': *-' |  awk '/:/{print $1}' | head -5 | ( while read mainsite ; do
+         grep $mainsite $PREFDIR/mirrors ;    done ) > bestsites
-      echo "(If you install 'netselect', it will select the best mirror for you"
+      echo "(If you install 'netselect' or 'fping', it will select the best mirror for you"
       echo "  you may wish to stop this script and rerun after installation)"
-      sleep 5
+      sleep 3
       head -3 mirrors > bestsites
+  #sometimes the above fails
+  if ! test -s bestsites ; then
+    head -3 mirrors > bestsites
+  fi
@@ -60,18 +67,16 @@ INSTALL () {
   if [  "$url" = @MAINSITE@ ] ; then
     cat $PREFDIR/bestsites |   while read mainsite ; do
       echo Downloading $filename from $mainsite ...
-      wget -v -c -N $mainsite/$dir/$filename || true
+      wget -c -N $mainsite/$dir/$filename || true
       if [ -r "$filename" ] ; then
         UNPACK "$filename"
-        [ -r $filename.bak ] && rm $filename.bak
         return 0
-    wget -v -c -N $url/$dir/$filename || true
+    wget -c -N $url/$dir/$filename || true
     if  [ -r "$filename" ] ; then
       UNPACK "$filename"
-      [ -r $filename.bak ] && rm $filename.bak
       return 0
@@ -83,7 +88,17 @@ INSTALL () {
-  if [ ! -r $filename.bak ] || ! cmp $filename.bak $filename ; then
+  if [ -r $filename.bak ] &&  cmp $filename.bak $filename && [  -r  $filename.list ] ; then
+    echo It appears that  $filename was already succesfully installed
+    [ -r $filename.bak ] && rm $filename.bak
+  else
+    if grep -q "  $filename$" $PREFDIR/MD5SUMS ; then
+      echo Checking MD5 for $filename
+      grep "  $filename$" $PREFDIR/MD5SUMS | md5sum -c -
+    else
+      echo Warning: no MD5 for $filename were found. Hit enter to continue.
+      read
+    fi
     echo Installing $filename  ...
     if [ -r $filename.list  ] ; then
       tr '\n' '\000' < $filename.list | xargs -r0 rm  || true
@@ -91,20 +106,23 @@ UNPACK ()
       rm $filename.list
+    tarfail () { echo FAILED $filename ;  rm $filename.list ; exit 1 ; }
     case "$filename" in
-        tar xvzf $filename > $filename.list
+        tar xvzf $filename > $filename.list || tarfail
         #rm $filename
-        tar xvzf $filename > $filename.list
+        tar xvzf $filename > $filename.list || tarfail
         #rm $filename
-        tar  --bzip2 -xvf $filename > $filename.list
+        tar  --bzip2 -xvf $filename > $filename.list || tarfail
         #rm $filename
+    [ -r $filename.bak ] && rm $filename.bak
     LINK $filename.list
     echo "Installed $filename Succesfully!"
@@ -135,22 +153,48 @@ fi
 case "$1" in
+    if  test -x /bin/bzip2 || test -x /usr/bin/bzip2 ; then : ; else
+      echo You need to install bzip2
+      exit 1
+    fi
     cd $PREFDIR
     #if [ ! -r codecs_list ] || find  codecs_list -mtime +20  ; then
       echo 'Getting  codecs list ...'
-      wget -nv -c -N $MYSITE/codecs_list || true
+      wget -nv -N $MYSITE/codecs_list || true
-    if  grep -q "^$dpkgarch" $PREFDIR/codecs_list   ] ; then
+    cd $PREFDIR
+    echo Downloading MD5 sums from main site
+    [ -r MD5SUMS ] &&  mv MD5SUMS MD5SUMS.bak
+    if wget -nv  -N http://www.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/MD5SUMS ; then
+      [ -r MD5SUMS.bak ] && rm MD5SUMS.bak
+    else
+      echo failed...
+      if [ -r MD5SUMS.bak ] ; then
+        echo trying to use backup ... ;
+        mv MD5SUMS.bak MD5SUMS
+      fi
+    fi
+    if  grep -q "^$dpkgarch" $PREFDIR/codecs_list  ; then
       egrep -v "^[[:space:]]*(#|$)" $PREFDIR/codecs_list | \
         while read arch url dir file info ; do
           if [ "$dpkgarch" = "$arch" ]; then
-            echo Installing $file  $info...
+            echo Downloading and installing $file  $info...
             INSTALL "$url"  "$dir"  "$file"
-            n=1
+      if test "$dpkgarch" = powerpc && ! test -r /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5 ; then
+        echo 'Warning: you need to install libstdc++ 5 libraries'
+        echo -n 'Do it now? '
+        read R
+        case $R in
+          y*) apt-get install libstdc++5 ;;
+          *) echo 'If you change your mind, use the command'
+             echo '  apt-get install libstdc++5' ;;
+        esac
+      fi
       echo "Sorry, no codecs for your arch '$dpkgarch'. Sorry dude :("
       exit 1

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