[Mplayer-cvslog] CVS: main mplayer.c,1.117,1.118

GEREOFFY arpi_esp at users.sourceforge.net
Mon May 14 00:45:23 CEST 2001

Update of /cvsroot/mplayer/main
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv16183

Modified Files:
Log Message:
dump stuff moved before header parsing

Index: mplayer.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/mplayer/main/mplayer.c,v
retrieving revision 1.117
retrieving revision 1.118
diff -C2 -r1.117 -r1.118
*** mplayer.c	2001/05/13 16:29:10	1.117
--- mplayer.c	2001/05/13 22:45:21	1.118
*** 915,918 ****
--- 915,951 ----
  } // switch(file_format)
+ if(stream_dump_type){
+   FILE *f;
+   int len;
+   demux_stream_t *ds=NULL;
+   // select stream to dump
+   switch(stream_dump_type){
+   case 1: ds=d_audio;break;
+   case 2: ds=d_video;break;
+   case 3: ds=d_dvdsub;break;
+   }
+   if(!ds){        
+       printf("dump: FATAL: selected stream missing!\n");
+       exit(1);
+   }
+   // disable other streams:
+   if(d_audio && d_audio!=ds) {ds_free_packs(d_audio); d_audio->id=-2; }
+   if(d_video && d_video!=ds) {ds_free_packs(d_video); d_video->id=-2; }
+   if(d_dvdsub && d_dvdsub!=ds) {ds_free_packs(d_dvdsub); d_dvdsub->id=-2; }
+   // let's dump it!
+   f=fopen(stream_dump_name?stream_dump_name:"stream.dump","wb");
+   if(!f){ printf("Can't open dump file!!!\n");exit(1); }
+   while(!ds->eof){
+     unsigned char* start;
+     int in_size=ds_get_packet(ds,&start);
+     if(in_size>0) fwrite(start,in_size,1,f);
+   }
+   fclose(f);
+   printf("core dumped :)\n");
+   exit(1);
+ }
  // Determine image properties:
*** 1011,1045 ****
- if(stream_dump_type){
-   FILE *f;
-   int len;
-   demux_stream_t *ds=NULL;
-   // select stream to dump
-   switch(stream_dump_type){
-   case 1: ds=d_audio;break;
-   case 2: ds=d_video;break;
-   case 3: ds=d_dvdsub;break;
-   }
-   if(!ds){        
-       printf("dump: FATAL: selected stream missing!\n");
-       exit(1);
-   }
-   // disable other streams:
-   if(d_audio && d_audio!=ds) {ds_free_packs(d_audio); d_audio->id=-2; }
-   if(d_video && d_video!=ds) {ds_free_packs(d_video); d_video->id=-2; }
-   if(d_dvdsub && d_dvdsub!=ds) {ds_free_packs(d_dvdsub); d_dvdsub->id=-2; }
-   // let's dump it!
-   f=fopen(stream_dump_name?stream_dump_name:"stream.dump","wb");
-   if(!f){ printf("Can't open dump file!!!\n");exit(1); }
-   while(!ds->eof){
-     unsigned char* start;
-     int in_size=ds_get_packet(ds,&start);
-     if(in_size>0) fwrite(start,in_size,1,f);
-   }
-   fclose(f);
-   printf("core dumped :)\n");
-   exit(1);
- }
--- 1044,1047 ----

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