[Mplayer-cvslog] CVS: main/DOCS VIDEOCARDS,1.15,1.16

Berczi Gabor gabucino at users.sourceforge.net
Fri May 11 09:09:43 CEST 2001

Update of /cvsroot/mplayer/main/DOCS
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv16485/DOCS

Modified Files:
Log Message:


RCS file: /cvsroot/mplayer/main/DOCS/VIDEOCARDS,v
retrieving revision 1.15
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -C2 -r1.15 -r1.16
*** VIDEOCARDS	2001/05/10 09:48:03	1.15
--- VIDEOCARDS	2001/05/11 07:09:40	1.16
*** 83,87 ****
  III. Native card-specific drivers
! There is 3 native drivers for Linux:
  1. Matrox G200/G400/G450 BES (Back-End Scaler) support -> mga_vid kernel drv.
    It's active developed by me (A'rpi), and it has hardware VSYNC support
--- 83,87 ----
  III. Native card-specific drivers
! There are 3 native drivers for Linux:
  1. Matrox G200/G400/G450 BES (Back-End Scaler) support -> mga_vid kernel drv.
    It's active developed by me (A'rpi), and it has hardware VSYNC support
*** 131,135 ****
     with --enable-dga.
  3. If the driver couldn't switch to a smaller resolution, experiment with
!    switches -vm (only with X 3.0.x), -fs, -bpp, -zoom to find a video mode that
     the movie fits in. There is no converter right now.. :(
  4. Become ROOT. DGA needs root access to be able to write directly video memory.
--- 131,135 ----
     with --enable-dga.
  3. If the driver couldn't switch to a smaller resolution, experiment with
!    switches -vm (only with X 3.3.x), -fs, -bpp, -zoom to find a video mode that
     the movie fits in. There is no converter right now.. :(
  4. Become ROOT. DGA needs root access to be able to write directly video memory.

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