[Mplayer-cvslog] CVS: main codec-cfg.c,1.18,1.19

GEREOFFY arpi_esp at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Apr 24 04:14:16 CEST 2001

Update of /cvsroot/mplayer/main
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv9951

Modified Files:
Log Message:
added html generation

Index: codec-cfg.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/mplayer/main/codec-cfg.c,v
retrieving revision 1.18
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -C2 -r1.18 -r1.19
*** codec-cfg.c	2001/04/14 21:09:25	1.18
--- codec-cfg.c	2001/04/24 02:14:14	1.19
*** 100,107 ****
- static int add_to_out(char *sfmt, char *sflags, unsigned int *outfmt,
- 		unsigned char *outflags)
- {
          static struct {
  	        const char *name;
--- 100,103 ----
*** 129,132 ****
--- 125,133 ----
+ static int add_to_out(char *sfmt, char *sflags, unsigned int *outfmt,
+ 		unsigned char *outflags)
+ {
  	static char *flagstr[] = {
*** 623,626 ****
--- 624,796 ----
  	return NULL;
+ #ifdef CODECS2HTML
+ void wrapline(FILE *f2,char *s){
+     int c;
+     if(!s){
+         fprintf(f2,"-");
+         return;
+     }
+     while((c=*s++)){
+         if(c==',') fprintf(f2,"<br>"); else fputc(c,f2);
+     }
+ }
+ void parsehtml(FILE *f1,FILE *f2,codecs_t *codec,int section,int dshow){
+         int c,d;
+         while((c=fgetc(f1))>=0){
+             if(c!='%'){
+                 fputc(c,f2);
+                 continue;
+             }
+             d=fgetc(f1);
+             if(d=='.') return; // end of section
+             switch(d){
+             case '.':
+                 return;
+             case 'n':
+                 wrapline(f2,codec->name); break;
+             case 'i':
+                 wrapline(f2,codec->info); break;
+             case 'c':
+                 wrapline(f2,codec->comment); break;
+             case 'd':
+                 wrapline(f2,codec->dll); break;
+             case 'D':
+                 fprintf(f2,"%c",codec->driver==dshow?'+':'-'); break;
+             case 'F':
+                 for(d=0;d<CODECS_MAX_FOURCC;d++)
+                     if(codec->fourcc[d]!=0xFFFFFFFF)
+                         fprintf(f2,"%s%.4s",d?"<br>":"",codec->fourcc[d]<0x20202020?"-":(char*) &codec->fourcc[d]);
+                 break;
+             case 'f':
+                 for(d=0;d<CODECS_MAX_FOURCC;d++)
+                     if(codec->fourcc[d]!=0xFFFFFFFF)
+                         fprintf(f2,"%s0x%X",d?"<br>":"",codec->fourcc[d]);
+                 break;
+             case 'Y':
+                 for(d=0;d<CODECS_MAX_OUTFMT;d++)
+                     if(codec->outfmt[d]!=0xFFFFFFFF){
+ 		        for (c=0; fmt_table[c].name; c++)
+                             if(fmt_table[c].num==codec->outfmt[d]) break;
+                         if(fmt_table[c].name)
+                             fprintf(f2,"%s%s",d?"<br>":"",fmt_table[c].name);
+                     }
+                 break;
+             default:
+                 fputc(c,f2);
+                 fputc(d,f2);
+             }
+         }
+ }
+ void skiphtml(FILE *f1){
+         int c,d;
+         while((c=fgetc(f1))>=0){
+             if(c!='%'){
+                 continue;
+             }
+             d=fgetc(f1);
+             if(d=='.') return; // end of section
+         }
+ }
+ int main(void)
+ {
+ 	codecs_t **codecs, *cl;
+         FILE *f1;
+         FILE *f2;
+         int c,d,i;
+         int pos;
+         int section=-1;
+         int nr_codecs;
+         int win32=-1;
+         int dshow=-1;
+ 	if (!(codecs = parse_codec_cfg("DOCS/codecs.conf")))
+ 		return 0;
+ 	if (!codecs[0])
+ 		printf("no videoconfig.\n");
+ 	if (!codecs[1])
+ 		printf("no audioconfig.\n");
+         f1=fopen("DOCS/codecs-in.html","rb"); if(!f1) exit(1);
+         f2=fopen("DOCS/codecs.html","wb"); if(!f2) exit(1);
+         while((c=fgetc(f1))>=0){
+             if(c!='%'){
+                 fputc(c,f2);
+                 continue;
+             }
+             d=fgetc(f1);
+             if(d>='0' && d<='9'){
+                 // begin section
+                 section=d-'0';
+                 printf("BEGIN %d\n",section);
+                 if(section>=5){
+                     // audio
+ 		    cl = codecs[1];
+ 		    nr_codecs = nr_acodecs;
+                     dshow=7;win32=4;
+                 } else {
+                     // video
+ 		    cl = codecs[0];
+ 		    nr_codecs = nr_vcodecs;
+                     dshow=4;win32=2;
+                 }
+                 pos=ftell(f1);
+                 for(i=0;i<nr_codecs;i++){
+                     fseek(f1,pos,SEEK_SET);
+                     switch(section){
+                     case 0:
+                     case 5:
+                         if(cl[i].status==CODECS_STATUS_WORKING)
+                             if(!(cl[i].driver==win32 || cl[i].driver==dshow))
+                                 parsehtml(f1,f2,&cl[i],section,dshow);
+                         break;
+                     case 1:
+                     case 6:
+                         if(cl[i].status==CODECS_STATUS_WORKING)
+                             if(cl[i].driver==win32 || cl[i].driver==dshow)
+                                 parsehtml(f1,f2,&cl[i],section,dshow);
+                         break;
+                     case 2:
+                     case 7:
+                         if(cl[i].status==CODECS_STATUS_PROBLEMS)
+                             parsehtml(f1,f2,&cl[i],section,dshow);
+                         break;
+                     case 3:
+                     case 8:
+                         if(cl[i].status==CODECS_STATUS_NOT_WORKING)
+                             parsehtml(f1,f2,&cl[i],section,dshow);
+                         break;
+                     case 4:
+                     case 9:
+                         if(cl[i].status==CODECS_STATUS_UNTESTED)
+                             parsehtml(f1,f2,&cl[i],section,dshow);
+                         break;
+                     default:
+                         printf("Warning! unimplemented section: %d\n",section);
+                     }
+                 }
+                 fseek(f1,pos,SEEK_SET);
+                 skiphtml(f1);
+ //void parsehtml(FILE *f1,FILE *f2,codecs_t *codec,int section,int dshow){
+                 continue;
+             }
+             fputc(c,f2);
+             fputc(d,f2);
+         }
+         fclose(f2);
+         fclose(f1);
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+ #endif
  #ifdef TESTING

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