[MPlayer-advusers] -ffourcc and -of lavf

compn tempn at twmi.rr.com
Thu Aug 11 17:06:26 CEST 2005

a user came to #mplayer wanting to combine some wmvs, so i tested it...

mencoder 1.wmv 2.wmv -oac copy -ovc copy -of lavf -o done.wmv

which worked, but changed the fourcc from MP43 to DIV3

i tried -ffourcc MP43 but i dont think the asf muxer can handle this fourcc?
-ffourcc WMV3 changes the fourcc (but WMV3 cant decode MP43...)

i guess what i'm saying is that the asf muxer needs to accept MP43 fourcc
and that all fourcc's accepted in all the muxers need to be documented and
that -of lavf needs more docs and examples!


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