[MEncoder-users] Audio/Video Sync Issue

Lobster lobo at lobs.sytes.net
Mon Jun 4 23:45:53 CEST 2012

On 5/06/2012 12:05 a.m., Linux wrote:
> Originally I didn't have the -mc 0 and I still had the problem. I just 
> removed it and confirmed that the video and audio are way out of sync.

are you seeing any "duplicate frame" messages?

If so you will need to have the harddup video filter to allow
duplicate frames to be encoded to keep av sync,
I,.E adding `-vf harddup` to your command line
(without the ` either side)

supplying the full MEncoder output and even a sample
input file would help us work out what is going on.

Also if you don't use -oac copy but use -oac pcm does
that have better av sync?

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