[MEncoder-users] Mpeg duration too short

L. Lee llee040 at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jan 17 15:54:36 CET 2012

On 1/16/12 3:51 AM, "Peter B." <pb at das-werkstatt.com> wrote:

> Zitat von "L. Lee" <llee040 at sbcglobal.net>:
>> SVN-r34537-4.2.1
>> I recently fixed a problem by downloading and  building complete source from
>> scratch instead of phase compiling. I don't know if that might affect yours,
>> of course.
> On which operating system (and which version) have you created the
> MPEG with the correct duration?
> Thanks,
> Pb
> ___

I'm using Mac OS X - Lion (10.7.2) and Mac OS X Developer Tools 4.2

I simply open a Terminal window and enter "svn checkout
svn://svn.mplayerhq.hu/mplayer/trunk mplayer", then change to the mplayer
directory  and "./configure --cc=gcc-4.2", then "sudo make install".

In all honesty, I'm somewhat confused by the results I've observed for the
developer tools. I'm told that "--cc=gcc-4.2" shouldn't be necessary, but I
can't build without it. What's more, I can't build unless I install Mac OS X
Developer tools 4.2 on top of version 4.2.1, which was released as an
update. Uninstalling Developer tools, and reinstalling to latest versIon
doesn't let "./configure" work even if I specify "--cc=gcc-4.2". I then run
the 4.2 installer over 4.2.1 without changing anything first, then running
"./configure" without "--cc=gcc-4.2" doesn't work but including
"--cc=gcc-4.2" does.

My current version is MEncoder SVN-r34561-4.2.1

I don't see how this will help much, but if you have a Mac to fool around
with, maybe you can help me determine why I'm not getting the expected
functionality from Developer tools 4.2.1.


Laine Lee

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