[MEncoder-users] Any recent changes that could affect MPEG 2 muxing?

L. Lee llee040 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Mar 23 15:10:43 CET 2011

On 3/23/11 3:39 AM, "Carl Eugen Hoyos" <cehoyos at ag.or.at> wrote:

> L. Lee <llee040 <at> sbcglobal.net> writes:
>> If, however, I execute that command using r33094, the audio tempo appears to
>> be increased greatly, demolishing sync, and the command progress output
>> includes many duplicate frame notifications.
> Consider finding the exact version that broke muxing and send a mail to
> -cvslog.
> Carl Eugen

Thanks. Actually, accomplishing that is so much less trivial for me than is
sending a message to the mailing list that I am rather loathe to do it.
Usually when some feature of MEncoder that I need breaks, it isn't long
before someone who is familiar with the measures you suggest is also
inconvenienced and takes the steps needed to correct it. So perhaps I'll
wait a bit. Thanks again.

Laine Lee

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